International business, marketing and strategy. Digital and social media marketing

Step 1: Choose an Organisation

Your chosen organisation could be the one you work for, one for which you are acting as a consultant, or another organisation of your choice. It must be real organisation.
It is important to choose an organisation that you are familiar with, and where there is sufficient scope for exploring in the required detail.
If you do not have an insider view of the organisation (example – as an employee), then ensure there is sufficient available information on the organisation to complete the tasks.
Step 2: Read the following theme:
Theme – Raising brand awareness
Customers place significant value on brands, and they must engage fully with that brand before they consider purchasing it. Your manager has asked you to review the current levels of brand awareness amongst existing and potential customers, identifying segments where increasing brand awareness could lead ultimately to increased demand.
In your assignment (the three tasks below) you will need to consider the most effective communications mix to implement in order to achieve specific marketing communications objectives. Recommendations on how to measure and monitor the impact on brand awareness of your proposed campaign will also be required most effectively.
Step 3: Complete each of the three compulsory tasks in relation to the theme above:
1. Task 1 – Briefing Document (30 marks)
In line with the theme noted for this assignment, you are required to carry out the following:
a) Provide a background to your chosen organisation, including: (5 marks)
• Organisation name
• Organisation information – to include type of organisation, size of organisation, range of products and services, customer base and main competitors
• Stakeholders – identify your organisation’s key internal and external stakeholders, with a brief explanation prioritising key stakeholders relevant to the theme
• Key customer segment – a clear description of the selected key customer segment
b) Illustrate TWO digital communication channels your chosen organisation uses to reach its customers, and the type of content shared through these channels. (10 marks)
c) Identify an organisation that effectively utilises one of the channels illustrated in Task 1 B and analyse opportunities for your chosen organisation to improve the effectiveness of that channel. (15 marks)
2. Task 2 – Presentation (40 marks)
In line with the theme noted for this assignment, you are required to carry out the following:
a) Create ONE detailed persona that reflects your organisation’s key customer segment and describe which type of content your chosen organisation could use to effectively engage the persona. (12 marks)
b) Apply the RACE framework to the persona identified in Task 2-A to: (18 marks)
• Outline the customer journey, highlighting the most relevant digital activities that would be appropriate for your chosen organisation.
• Discuss the type of testing and insights required to improve the effectiveness of the digital marketing activities and the customer experience
c) Using a GANTT chart and the 3Ms frameworks, recommend how your chosen organisation can ensure a co-ordinated and consistent approach to delivering all marketing activities. (10 marks)
3. Task 3 – Plan (30 marks)
Building on your responses to Tasks 1 and 2, and in line with the theme, you are required to carry out the following:
a) Create a digital marketing plan that relates to the persona (as identified in Task 2). Your plan should include: (20 marks)
• Clear objective(s)
• A description of how the plan supports the promotional element of the marketing mix
• The digital tools to be used
• An outlined budget
• Describe how ‘people’ and ‘process’ are being used within the marketing mix
b) Recommend TWO metrics that will help the senior leadership team to understand the effectiveness of the plan. (5 marks)
c) Explain how you would monitor the technological environment to ensure the effectiveness of future digital campaigns. (5 marks)

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