Issues with students understanding concepts and processes in STEAM with k-3 students.

  1. Write a paper on a current issue or trend in STEAM. Topic will be approved by professor.

    Make sure it discusses not only impact/influence/effect, but also includes content about implications for teaching and learning … implications for the classroom or programs or schools (strategies, applications, etc.). For example, if applicable to your topic, discuss succesful models or strategies or approaches and unsuccessful models, etc., including the rationale for this/an explanation of why. This must be focused on grades K-5.

    1. Select a topic that relates to a current trend or issue in STEM/STEAM. Topic must focus on grade K-5. Topic will be approved by professor.
    2. Write a paper on a current issue or trend in STEAM/STEM.
      1. Make sure it discusses not only impact/influence/effect, but also includes content about implications for teaching and learning … implications for the classroom or programs or schools (strategies, applications, etc.).
        1. For example, if applicable to your topic, discuss succesful models or approaches and unsuccessful models, including an explanation of why. 
      2. Use sources (include citations from references) to back up your writing. 
    3. Submit to the GSU Writing Center at least 72 hours before the due date. This is required! Be sure to get proof. 
    4. Make changes to the paper based on feedback from the writing center. 
    • at least 2.5-3.5  pages of writing- not including your title and your name/date part at the beginning of the paper).
    • double spaced (except for name, date, course number, and assignment title in top left corner- this is always single spaced). 1 inch margins. times new roman font, 12 size
    • 1 reference page in APA format. 
    • 4 references required:
      • 1 must be a peer-reviewed article from library database, 1 must be other research-based article, 2 are your choice of a substantive source.
      • at least 3 of the 4 sources must be dated within the last FIVE years 
    • at least 7 citations throughout the paper backing up your own writing. Do not include large quotes.  Do not use quotes for each citation; for some, paraphrase the information from the source.
      • note: if a source is in the reference list, it must be cited. If you cite something in the paper, the source must be listed in the reference section.  
    • include: basic paragraphs for writing a research paper, topic sentence, introduction, conclusion, etc.
    • pick a clear topic/focus.  organize the paper with section headers.
      • use 5 paragraph/section format that has section headers for each: intro paragraph with topic sentence, 3 body paragraphs each with a topic sentence, conclusion paragraph
    Grading Criteria:
    • topic, content,
    • format, organization, flow, section headers 
    • grammar and mechanics, writing style
    • references/sources (quality and quantity), citations, APA format for references and citations,
    • Submit on Blackboard:
      • 1  word document (plagiarism checker on Blackboard)
      • 1 image/word document showing proof of submitting to writing center
    • Remember:
      • be sure to put your name and date on the actual documents
      • put on the name of the file (on each file!): Activity Name – Date, Last Name (e.g. STEAM Paper, girls – 5.15.23, Hisrich)


    • Website: GSU Writing Center
    • Website: OWL at Purdue (for APA format)
    • Writing folder in Academic Resource section on Blackboard (see 5 paragraph essay and APA info)


    • make an outline first!!! 
    • for your topic, find 3 (or 4) best practices or instructional strategies or approaches or models;
      • discuss each one.  include:
        • explanation / brief summary of it
        • importance,
        • pros and cons,
        • examples,
        • etc.

    Example of Format:


               xxxxxx  The majority of people employed in STEAM careers in the United States are male. According to an article in Newsweek, males take up 71% of the jobs in STEAM (Izzy, 2022, p. 24).  It is important that more females ….  However, this must start at an early age.  Author (2022) states that it is important for schools ……..  (Author, 2022).  xxxxxxxx xxx xxx  xx xxx  …….thus more girls would be interested and get into careers related to STEAM.   [At the end of the intro paragraph, you state your topic sentence (e.g There appear to be 3 effective approaches for getting girls more engaged in STEAM classrooms: consistently exposing students to role models of current women in the field, strategy 2, and strategy 3 )

    Strategy 1: Exposure to Role Models in the Field

                Getting girls engaged in STEAM at an early age can  xxxxxxx….. One way to accomplish this is by …………….

    Strategy 2: xxxx

              xxx ……

    Strategy 3: xxxx

               xxxxxx …………..


           i am basically wrapping up my paper and restating the topic sentence, as well as providing thoughts for further discussion. etc. 

  2. By submitting this paper, you agree: (1) that you are submitting your paper to be used and stored as part of the SafeAssign™ services in accordance with the Blackboard Privacy Policy; (2) that your institution may use your paper in accordance with your institution’s policies; and (3) that your use of SafeAssign will be without recourse against Blackboard Inc. and its affiliates.

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