Lead-free: Describe how the push for a lead-free standard in electronic products (RoHS) increased social justice in the U.S.
According to the San Diego Foundation (https://www.sdfoundation.org/news-events/sdf-news/what-is-social-justice/Links to an external site.)
“Social justice is the view that everyone deserves equal economic, political and social rights and opportunities.” We also allow a discussion of environmental justice as acceptable. So, in your essay, you should think about this definition before you write your response.
Reference Article:
1) Anderson, M. (2013, September 11). Electronics Waste Programs Ineffective in Most U.S. States. IEEE Spectrum, Available: http://spectrum.ieee.org/energy/environment/electronics-waste-programs-ineffective-in-most-us-states
2) Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). EPA–Environmental Justice: Reducing risk for all communities Volume 1. Washington, DC: author. Available: https://www.epa.gov/environmentaljustice/epa-environmental-justice-reducing-risk-all-communities-volume-1
3) Thomas K. Grose (November 2020). Engineers are exploring novel recycling methods to keep communities from drowning in a toxic tsunami of cast-off electronics. Available: http://www.asee-prism.org/virtuous-circle/
4) State E-Waste Disposal Bans Have Been Largely Ineffective (2013, September 10). Science Daily. Available: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/09/130910112816.htm
5)Greenemeier, L. (2009, October 29). U.S. Lags Behind World with Its Patchwork Approach to Curbing E-Waste. Scientific American. Available: http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=electronic-waste-control
6) Kay. J & Katz, C. (2012, June 4). Pollution, Poverty and People of Color: Living with Industry. Scientific American. Available: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/pollution-poverty-people-color-living-industry/