Objective 4. Learn purposes and types of measures of bilinguals in relation to the unique academic and linguistic needs of emergent bilingual children and young adults: Academic, social, affective needs.
Objective 15. Learn and use aspects (Title Page, reference section, narrative to support discussion using references from research and theoretical based literature/authors) of the APA Publications Guidelines.
Baker (2021), Chapter 2: Measurement of Bilinguals: Purposes, Alternatives, Limitations
The assignment requires you to:
1.Use last week’s information collected from your interview with the fluent bilingual individual (older than 18 years) or using yourself as the subject, complete the following activity:
a)Analyze and discuss the bilingual according to:
i. The Self-rating on Proficiency Scale illustrated in Chapter 2.
ii. The conceptualization of the categories in the Language Background and Functional
Bilingualism scales presented in Chapter 2.
b) Explain what measurements you would use to support your claim of bilingualism
for this person. Remember to discuss your claim the according to:
c). Discuss the limitations of the measures used above (b).
1)The length of the discussion text for this Assignment should average a range of 3-4 pages total (maximum 4 pages), not counting title page and reference section. A maximum of 6 pages will be accepted (4 pages to answer a, b, c; 1 for title page, and 1 reference page).
2)Follow Assignment Guide Criteria posted in BSP. Review Rubric Posted on BSP.
3)Please submit the Assignment through BSP Assignment Link.
4)If you select not submit, prepare notes for class discussion.