Locate and read an on-line article on electronic monitoring of criminal offenders. Do you believe electronic monitoring assists in keeping track of criminal offenders or not? Explain your answer”
I’m looking for two major concepts in your response:
First, discuss the on-line article you have chosen, and why did you choose the report? Does it support your answer on if electronic monitoring assists in keeping track of offenders or not? Indicate in some detail things such as how it does/does not keep track of offenders. Attach article with Reflection paper. Paper should be at least 500 words but not more than 700 words.
Second, besides content, I’ll be looking for organization, editing, and sentence structure within the essay. Therefore, be sure you use good organizational skills when responding to the question and correct editing, such as spelling and grammar.
There needs to be a well-organized response to the reflection question. Include an introduction, body paragraphs (at least three), and conclusion.
The essay will be evaluated with three criteria:
- organization
- content
- editing
Please see the grading rubric below for specifics on the criteria.
Length: The reflective question answer should be at least 500 words and not longer than 700 words.
Format: Use MLA format guidelines. You can see a copy of these in the Week 0 area. Save the file in .doc, .docx, or pdf.