Low dose computed tomography (LDCT) screening and lung cancer mortality. The two discussion sections are to form part of a Diagnostic Imaging/Radiography dissertation so should be focussed on this subject area

Paper details: A systematic review on the topic area of low dose CT screening for lung cancer in relation to mortality benefit. I have already completed sections of this paper (available to view in additional files for context), including the research question, parts of the abstract, the introduction, the methodology, the search strategy and the search results which have led to the selection of 5 RCT studies (a pdf of each is available in the attached files).

RCT paper discussion: The discussion of the RCT papers must include a data extraction of the 5 RTC studies, this should be done in table format. It should include data (such as rate ratios (RRs), p-values, confidence intervals etc.), themes, key characteristics and all relevant information that will answer the proposed research question. A narrative review of the 5 studies is to be done in the form of a thematic analysis, using themes that will answer the research question. The results of the 5 RCT studies must also be synthesised into a table and commented on in the narrative review to answer the research question in a critical manner. Consider the hypothesis, results, statistics and their significances etc of the RCT papers. This also must be done by themes (thematic analysis) and not a linear report of one study at a time. (Approx 700 words)
Systematic Review discussion: This part must discuss the result of the systematic review. It should synthesise and analyse the results and outcomes to give a summary of the main findings of the review. It must answer the aims (in the abstract) and proposed research question and come to an overall result through comparing the result to other relevant literature. There should be an emphasis on the outcome – death/mortality reduction, the intervention (low dose CT lung screening) and the disease (lung cancer). The comparators (x-ray and no screening should be mentioned also). (Approx 500 words). The following concepts must also be commented on: Recommendations for further research, Recommendations for influencing practice, Limitations of Review and Strengths of Review. (Approx 200 words – 50 words per concept).
Both discussion sections added together should form 1400 words, a reference/source should be used at about every 100 words, meaning approximately 14 sources. When selecting sources please ensure they are reliable, up to date and of a high academic standard – none of which lead back to essay writing websites. The Marking rubric can be used to view marking criteria. Please see photo in attached files listing for some further writing suggestions.

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