M6 Written Assignment: Intervention Proposal: “Teenage Pregnancy, STIs, and Risky Sexual Behavior”

1. Attached is my previous research assignment from Module 3 (referenced in the instructions). Please reference this research paper in addition to the resources used in that paper, and use them again; in addition to new scholarly resources of your choosing, a couple might need to be local based on my area (Schenectady NY, Rotterdam NY, Albany NY) or close. 

2. (I already have more or close to 10 sources, but may require an additional 5 of your choosing to finish this paper.)
3. Instructor Instructions: (Please just continue using “Teenage Pregnancy, STIs, and Risky Sexual Behavior” as a PREVENTION Strategy is not an intervention as they are easier concepts to prcent instead of implimentation directly.) 

Addressing an At Risk Youth Problem in Your Community

Building upon your work in your module 3 research paper, you were to propose an intervention or prevention strategy (choose this one please) to address the youth risk that you identified in your own community.  This can involve developing a new program* or implementing an already-existing program (I will let you choose.) .  Your intervention proposal should include the following:

  1. An overview of the youth risk in your community (you may summarize information from your previous paper in this section)
  2. A description of your intervention or prevention strategy
  • What are the goals of your program (what specifically do you hope to accomplish)? 
  • Explain how the strategies will work to address the category of youth risk that you are targeting. What activities will be carried out?
  • Explain your rationale for choosing the intervention or prevention strategy
  • Identify where your program falls on all three of the following: 1. the risk continuum; 2. the approach continuum, and 3.prevention-treatment continuum
  • Which of the “5 Cs” are addressed and how?: (Five Cs” of Competency that we learned about in chapter 5. The core components of prevention and intervention programs are:
    • Life skills and interpersonal cognitive problem solving
    • Optimism and cognitive restructuring
    • Interpersonal communication and assertiveness skills
    • Relaxation skills and affirmations
    • Self-management and self-control)
  • For already-existing programs, describe the evidence base that supports the effectiveness of the program
  • What resources (staff, equipment, materials, etc.) will be needed? (pregnacy test, general sex education promps such as genitalia, condoms, free birth control, seperate program for school counseling related to healthy realtionships and sexual education, free screenings for STD’s/STI’s in nurses office of local highschools and public buildings offerign social supports or conjoint efforts with local health agencies such as exsisting general pratice of doctors offices and local OPGYN clinics, free plan B/ morning after pills, contriceptive implant discounts if avaliable with local clinicians, and places to go for adoption or abortion dependent on the circumstances and personal choice if a female is carrying. Staff: nursing RN/LPN, care aide to provide general comfort, counseclors, sex therapist and registed educational professional, training for school staff, OBGYN and primary care doctors.) anything else to add? Id like to include male contriceptive research as well. 
  1. A description of how you will advocate for the creation of your program
  • Identify groups and individuals in your community who will need to support your program in order for it to be successful; briefly explain what you will do to help bring them “on board” (reaching out to local PTA- parent teacher association to inform parents if they are interested in supporting the cause, local womens shelter to help understand the displacement and diffculities pregnant teenagers may face, testimonials from doctors and mothers/ father that were pregnant as teenagers or have sons/daughters that were a pregnant teenager, the red cross.)
  • What policies, laws, or practices in your community might need to change to support your program? (protection policies  to allow higher quality sex education to be implimented into the school, laws that make it manditory or the opition with parental concent for participation in the class so its an opnion even, increased founding on the states part in accordance to county founding, and community or school board hearing for a vote to impliment such classes/ cources) I would also like to see local phasicaian/ primary dr. offices and OBGYN’s have more in depth cources avliable.  How would you advocate for those changes?

*Remember that there are many programs available that have evidence to support their effectiveness and it is best to use evidence-based strategies whenever possible. When trying to alleviate problems in the community, there is often no need to “reinvent the wheel.”

Your paper should be 6-8 pages in length and formatted according to APA guidelines.

4. Outline of assignment according to professor:

The Purpose of your Research

A research paper is more than the sum of your sources, more than a collection of different pieces of information about a topic, and more than a review of literature in a field. A research paper analyzes a perspective or argues a point. In an analytical research paper, you do research to become an expert on a topic so that you can restructure and present the parts of the topic from your own perspective. An argumentative research paper needs to support your stand on an issue. An argumentative research paper uses information as evidence to support a point. To learn more about what a research paper is, visit the ESC Research Writing site

Research Paper Format

Use the following format for the research paper as your “guide”. Note the word “guide” because you may find a need, given the specific topic you have selected, to modify. Remember that this is a research paper – not a longer version of an essay. The research paper should contain the following format: Title page, Purpose of Study, Opening Statement, Assumption or Hypothesis, Discussion of Findings, Recommendations, Conclusion/Summary, and Reference Page.

Title Page – It should be concise and descriptive–creative wouldn’t hurt! Your names, course name and number, university and term should be listed.

Purpose of Study – The final project should include a succinct statement that explains why you selected the particular area of interest and why it lends itself to a research paper. State the purpose of your research and why it interests you. You should also identify the audience for your work.

Opening Statement, Assumptions or Hypothesis

The project is a rigorous academic exercise and should be carefully thought out from beginning to end. It is imperative that you resist presentation of opinion as fact, and instead develop assumptions or hypotheses without reaching conclusions before you investigate the topic. The opening statement, argument or hypothesis focuses your ideas for the paper; it’s your argument, insight or viewpoint summarized into a sentence or two that gives the reader your main idea. It presents the rationale for your paper and clearly indicates why it is worth exploring. If you are not sure about how to refine, narrow or broaden your thesis, please visit “Finding Your Thesis” the Empire State university’s Writing Resource Center.

Discussion of Findings

You must demonstrate that you have expanded your knowledge of the subject. This is where you must cite between 10-15 sources using the APA format. This section should discuss and offer an interpretation of the sources you cite. Choose the sources carefully. They should demonstrate your understanding of the research issues related to your topic and show your ability to critically evaluate/integrate the literary sources.


Given your findings, what do you recommend be done? Use your findings to support your recommendations.


In these sections, the emphasis should be on what has been learned about the assumptions, the limits of this particular inquiry, and the implications of the findings.

Reference Page
Documenting sources at the end of the research paper consists of listing all of the sources from which you quoted, paraphrased, or summarized. In APA style, the sources in a paper are listed alphabetically on a separate page headed References. It follows the final page of the text and is numbered. By citing your sources you are letting your reader know that you’ve consulted experts whose ideas and information back up your own thoughts and ideas. You must cite your sources correctly so that your academic integrity is not called into question. If you don’t document, you could inadvertently be plagiarizing. 

Your written assignment is intended to test your understanding of important concepts and discover how to sharpen your intellectual skills of analysis, synthesis, evaluation, and application. The intent of the written assignment is to provide an opportunity to more fully describe, explain, and analyze the books and other sources. Be sure to cite any and all sources correctly so that your academic integrity is not called into question.  Developing a Bibliography and research writing is distinct in approach and technique. The information here describes the various stages of research writing and offers suggestions for approaching it.

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