magine that you are an advisor from the IMF. You are assigned to advise the central bank of your country

Use the link( to get the data, and my country is “Australia” 

less than 5 pages, and i need you to write a small essay for me to read during presentation

Now, imagine that you are an advisor from the IMF.  You are assigned to advise the central bank of your country. on macroeconomic policy.  Please make a short video discussing the following issues. 

1.  What data would you collect about your country to help you come up with some recommendations?

2.  What exchange rate policy would you suggest your country adopt, fixed, or floating? Why?  Please explain. 

3.  Would you recommend your country open up its capital market to foreign investors?  Why?  Please support your answers with what we learned in this class. 

4.  The Central Bank has the mandate to implement the monetary policy to influence the domestic economy.  Do you think that the Central Bank would successfully use monetary policy to influence the domestic economy?  Why or why not? 

Please make a short VoiceThread presentation for all these answers.   You must have visuals (such as PowerPoint) to aid your presentation.
This will help me better understand your points and have a frame of reference.

Start with making a PowerPoint presentation (with all the answers to the above questions and should not be more than 5 slides), then upload your slides to VoiceThread,
and make video comments on VoiceThread.   You must video comment in Your VoiceThread (to show your face)Your presentation should not be longer than 3-4 minutes. 
After sharing your VoiceThread with the class, please remember to copy the VoiceThread URL (with view and comment allowed) and paste the URL into the submission box.  

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