Learning Goal: I’m working on a sports management presentation and need support to help me learn.
Make a POWERPOINT presentation (to be presented in class during week 10) that includes SPECIFIC NAMES and DETAILS for:
- Date for the event and why chosen
- Choice of TYPE of golf course, name of golf course selected and why you selected that golf course (a real golf facility that makes sense based on our campus location etc.)
- Which committees/volunteers will you have in place (the bare minimum, essential ones only)
- What is your fundraising target and what will be your sources of revenue? What your expenditure be? (see BUDGET
- Which specific companies will you approach for sponsorships and why?
- Make a sample flyer to market the event
- What will the entry fee be for single participants, group-of-four participants and dinner-only attendees?
- Where will you find people to contact to inform them about the tournament and why?
- What format of play will you recommend and why?
- Which company will you purchase prizes and trophies from and why?
- Will you have any fun events before/after/during the main tournament to raise extra money? If yes, what will they be? If no, why not?