Make an argument that takes a position on what set of values should fuel our educational structures and goals and why?

More about the Topic: As we have seen, the long-standing debate about the primary purpose of education draws our attention to important questions about what we value in an education and how those values can sometimes be at odds with what we hope to “get” from our degrees. Consider: how do economic and political goals shape the purpose of higher education? In what ways has higher education—a system that is uniquely situated within the complex social fabric—repurposed those goals or bent towards them? How is success determined and what are the personal and educational ramifications of those standards? The overarching benefits? Make an argument that takes a position on what set of values should fuel our educational structures and goals and why? 

Readings already included: 
Brian Reed “Re-imagining Higher Education through a Career-Readiness Lens”
Jeremy Bauer-Wolf’s article “Purpose as Well as Paycheck.” 
Steven Schwartz ” The higher purpose”

Readings you can include: ( up to you; whichever helps make the argument better)
Alison King ” Sage on the Stage to Guide on the Side ” College teaching vol.41 no.1
Micheal Doran ” We need to talk about post pandemic lectures” Nature, Vol.600
Barak Obama Excerpts from ” President Obama’s Remarks to the Hispanic Chamber if Commerce” 
Frank Bruni” The Imperiled Promise of College” 


Counter argument paragraph is where Schwartz is mentioned, feel free to change it up
Feel free to move and change things around but keep is based on the controlling question “In what ways can higher education contribute to students’ success in their chosen career”
Keep language simple if possible 


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