1. Your client is having seizure activity discuss the management of seizure
2. Discuss cultural diversity in America
3. Discuss emerging ethical issues in pain management.
4. Discuss the various segments of wound healing and wound care.
5. Discuss the emotional, financial, and physical abuse of the elderly: causes and effects
You may include the following as appropriate in your paper.
1. Introduction or overview of the topic
2. History and statistics related to the topic
3. Significance to health issues
4. Role of the nurse in that topic
5. Relevance of nursing practice towards the topic
6. Conclusion
See attached rubrics for grading. Attach a copy of this outline and the rubrics to your
paper. It should be between 600 and 800 words, double spaced, and APA format. The
articles should be submitted with your paper. When quoting or paraphrasing the
articles, include in-text citation and attach a reference page with the articles listed. For
resources on APA format you may use the hand out given and explained in class and/or
the website https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01