Managing the Supply Chain (B01) Case Study: Dell Inc.: Improving the Flexibility of the Desktop PC Supply Chain


dell inc.: Improving the flexibility of the desktop pc supply chain Assignment Instructions


This week there is a focus on incentives for information-sharing among retailers, wholesalers, distributors, and factories. In recent years, many companies have reduced the bullwhip effect by “integrating” the supply chain. This week’s analysis focuses on how companies utilize the internet to their benefit. Also, a comparison of logistics strategies that have led to the downfall of many companies will be examined.


Each question must be answered thoroughly, and the responses must be supported by the concepts introduced in the reading/study materials. Each question/answer must be delineated under a heading in current APA format. Include a title page and reference page also in current APA format. Incorporate a minimum of 5 peer-reviewed sources with at least 1 source per question.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

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