Learning Goal: I’m working on a science question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.
Must be at least 30 minutes in duration… that’s around 35 PowerPoint slides.
Must utilize numerous literature sources… not just one specific article.
Must contain relevant scientific data obtained from laboratory or computer simulation and not just
Must clearly outline and explain the scientific hypothesis and theory underlying the topic.
Must address the scientific context of the topic.
Slides must have references.
Must be professional, detailed, intriguing, and interesting.
Points taken off if presentation is shorter than 25 minutes or longer than 35 minutes.
Must be able to answer scientific questions about the topic.
Must be at least nine pages (excluding references).
Use Arial 10 point font, single line spacing, NO cover page, 0.5� margins on all sides.
Do not use excessively large pictures to fill up the nine pages. The cumulative size of all figures should
The written report should summarize the same topic as your oral presentation.
The written report will be subject to analysis by anti-plagiarism software. Plagiarism is a violation of the
Follow the instructions and prepare a power point presentation of 35 slides and written report of 9 pages for the following pdf which is uploaded.
Oral Presentation:
background information and pictures.
Written Report:
constitute no more than one full page.
Academic Integrity Policy and will be reported for further investigation.