The student data is attached for this assignment. 


This assignment provides an opportunity for diagnosing, evaluating, and addressing mathematical abilities in elementary students as well as analyzing personal practices in utilizing the results of various assessment procedures in designing individualized mathematical instruction for elementary students. 

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Task: The focus is on Collecting Data and identifying Error Patterns. You will:

  • Create a rubric to grade student work.
  • Score the provided student work samples.
  • Identify the student’s strengths and error patterns.
  • Determine the student’s readiness level for mathematical performance

For the student,

    • identify a mathematics objective based on the initial diagnostic results,
    • design developmentally-appropriate tasks related to the objectives to address higher-order thinking skills in mathematics

After completing the scoring of this student’s work, write a summary that includes the following information:

    • Identification and a brief description of the testing instrument
    • Specific results of the assessment, including scores and level of performance
    • Overall statement of the student’s mathematical strengths and instructional needs
    • (See above: Design learning and performance strategies to address higher-order thinking skills in mathematics for this student)
    • Analysis and reflection on personal practices in assessing mathematical performance in elementary students (pay attention to the use of traditional assessment and authentic assessment measures in evaluating elementary student performance in mathematics).

Scoring Rubric 

Form/style/accuracy/conventions                                           2 points

Background information (age, grade, etc.)                               2 points

Scoring rubric                                                                             2 points

Student’s readiness level                                                           2 points

Appropriate scoring of assessment materials                         4 points

Identifying strengths                                                                 4 points

Identifying student error patterns                                           6 points

Learning and performance strats/higher-order skills             4 points

Analysis of data                                                                          8 points

Reflection: Instructional application/personal practices       10 points

Instructional planning for ESOL/LEP                                       4 points

Completeness of Assignment                                                    2 points

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