Word limit: 1500 words
Essay Title: Select a topic of interest (Cognitive behavioural therapy) in mental health
and discuss it by highlighting a research paper (Fernandez-Alvarez 2019) that has
influenced the understanding of that topic.
You are required to cover the following sections:
Background and rationale (guided at 700-800 words)
• Introduce the relevant topic area with key terms/provide background to the topic
• Introduce the paper, presenting its aim, methodology and its results
Critical evaluation (guided at 300-400 words)
• Discuss why and how this paper has impacted our understanding of mental
• Discuss what are the implications of the paper/its results; how does the paper
inform our understanding of the topic both specifically and more broadly?
Conclusion (guided at 300-400)
• Provide suggestions on how future research/ how professionals in mental health
can build on these results
• Provide a take home message.
Focusing on Evidence based practice:
Complexities in understanding mental health and its interventions
Evidence is vast and changing – embracing complexity and integration of multiple
aspects (evidence, patient characteristics, clinical expertise)
Definition of evidence-based practice – the integration of the best available research
with clinical expertise in the context of patient characteristics, culture and preferences
(American psychological association)
Cognitive behavioural therapy
Providing the most solid evidence in terms of eUiciency (both eUicacy and
eUectiveness) – methodological strengths of CBT and conceptual arguments (David, et
al., 2018)
Incorporating additional ideas into the discussion (Fernandez-Alvarez and Fernandez-
Alvarez, 2019) **more info on articles attached PLEASE USE THE ARTICLES PROVIDED and other relevant ones.
Marking criteria (see separate doc for more info)
Background and rationale:
• Clearly introduces the essay topic
• Clearly defines key terms
• Clearly and accurately describes the selected research paper
Critical evaluation
• Provides a critical analysis of the selected paper, discusses what are the
implications of the paper/its results
• Thoroughly discusses how the paper influenced the understanding of mental
health Avoids factual inaccuracies/misinterpretations of research
• Clearly summarises key messages
• Provide suggestions on how future research/ how professionals in mental health
can build on these results
Writing style and references
• Makes specific statements supported by clear examples from the literature using
relevant research
• Shows evidence of broad-based independent reading
• Logical structure and flow within and between paragraphs
• Accurate reference list (style & matching in-text citations)