1-What is a jet stream? Define a jet stream and identify the two that impact the U.S. Provide some details about each jet stream and how it impacts the weather.
2-How does each impact the temperature and why?
The above images are good examples of the upper air flow and temperature. Notice the coldest temperatures in the northeast (top picture) where there is a trough or bend (bottom picture) in the air flow. Additionally, it is warmest where there is a crest or ridge in the air flow.
Find a map of the jet stream on any website such as:http://www.intellicast.com/National/Wind/JetStream.asp
Find the correct day’s jet stream. This will be indicated by the shades of blue representing the strongest upper level winds.
3-Describe the pattern that you have found identifying its exact location on the map and determine where the coldest air is located. Where is the warmest air located?
4-If you look at the temperature maps, https://weather.com/maps/ustemperaturemap
does that veriify with your thinking?
150 word minimum