Microeconomic prepare a final report that address the concerns that have been outlined in the previous six units (attached to this order), indicating any outsourcing or vertical integration options Ruby Red Movie Theater may be able to implement.

Your assignment is to provide a final report for Ruby Red Movie Theater in which you address the concerns that have been outlined in the previous six units of this class, indicating any outsourcing or vertical integration options Ruby Red Movie Theater may be able to implement. 
Be specific regarding the analysis you performed in each area of study. Your recommendations for improvements for the theater should be based on economic theory and your analysis. Your complete analysis of the theater, the industry, and opportunities that may exist are crucial for the future profitability of the theater. 
Revise the information from previous assignments as needed and pull everything together to create a cohesive, comprehensive report. What this means is that this final report should be original updated work, though it is based on your previous assignments. Do not just copy and paste your previous assignments into one paper. Also, be sure to incorporate any suggestions your instructor made in your previous assignments. 
New information will be added for Unit VII, which will focus on the information provided in this unit. The topics for this section will include why firms exist, the factors that create a situation where vertical integration is desirable, and why firms would use outsourcing, as well as how this information can be applied to the Ruby Red Movie Theatre. 
The following is a list of items and sections you should include in your final report. Replace the unit numbers with appropriate titles for the information in each section. 
  • Title page 
  • Table of contents 
  • Introduction
  • Unit I 
    • Results write-up from Unit I, including recommendations 
  • Unit II
    • Results write-up from Unit II, including recommendations
    • Unit II Tables 
    • Unit II Graphs 
  • Unit III 
    • Results write-up from Unit III, including recommendations 
  • Unit IV 
    • Results write-up from Unit IV, including recommendations 
    • Unit IV Tables 
  • Unit V 
    • Results write-up from Unit V, including recommendations 
    • Unit V Tables 
  • Unit VI 
    • Results write-up from Unit VI, including recommendations 
  • Unit VII 
    • Results write-up from Unit VII, including recommendations 
  • Conclusions and final recommendations 
  • Reference page 
  • Insert labeled tables after the reference page 
Adhere to APA Style (APA 7th edition) when constructing this assignment, including in-text citations and references for all sources that are used. Please note that no abstract is needed.

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