There is unequivocal evidence that children’s exposure to unhealthy food and beverage marketing is linked to childhood obesity in Australia. The Minister wants to be briefed on the topic. To what extent is this a problem for Australian children aged 5-17? What are the risks to the target population’s health? Are there strategies the Australian Federal Government Department of Health needs to consider for combatting disparities in childhood obesity fuelled by targeted food and beverage marketing for this target population? Further, which stakeholders and departments would the Australian Federal Government Department of Health need to liaise with in addressing this issue? (
- Ensure your writing has a clear and logical structure.
- A ‘stream of consciousness’ piece may get you top marks for literary creativity but will see you fail this task. Or in other words, you need to ensure that you are basing your work on literature, not your own personal opinions or experience.
- You need to demonstrate that you have read the breadth of literature (minimum of 15 references for this assignment), have analysed it and can develop a position on the issue based on this information. You should also show that you can synthesise material from different sources. So, ensure you cite the sources of the literature you are basing your argument on. This is not just about plagiarism. It is about demonstrating that you are basing your argument on credible and authoritative sources of information.
- Remember, to develop an argument. There is nothing more monumentally boring than a response that goes something like this: “Radcliffe said…, but Lewis said…, on the other hand Austen wrote…”. Not only are you entitled to have an independent opinion, but you are also encouraged to express it – just make sure you have some evidence to back it up.
- Something regurgitated from the literature.
- Something plagiarised – if you quote something then it must be presented in quote marks (and for APA7 reference style you should use double quote marks) with the appropriate in-text citation. But we would expect no more than one or two quotes in the whole document. Remember, quotes are used only when you want to examine the actual words of the author.
- Please ensure you use in-text citations even if you are not directly quoting. Remember you need to acknowledge where the information was originally obtained
- Something that does not develop an argument – you need to demonstrate that you understand some of the arguments and complexities about your selected topic and can reach some conclusions about it.
- Always check and follow your task instructions regarding expected content and formatting of assignments.
- Format and order references in an annotated bibliography in alphabetical order (as with reference lists).
- Remember as per the APA7 style, the reference list should:
- begin on a new page with the heading ‘References’ centred and bold.
- have entries arranged alphabetically by family name of the first-listed author or name of organisation (or by title if authorship is unknown).
- use the hanging indent (0.5 in. = 1.27 cm) paragraph style for each new reference. [Please note that CloudDeakin template does not allow for use of hanging indent; hence, the examples below are not drafted using hanging indent. However, please use the hanging indent to draft your work] and
- use double spacing.
- Each annotation should be a new paragraph below the reference entry with a 1.27cm Indent from the left margin (the first line of the annotation should not be indented).
- If annotation spans multiple paragraphs, indent the first line of the second and any subsequent paragraphs 1.27cm.
- In general, it is not necessary to cite the work being annotated in the annotations because the origin of the information is clear through context or in other words, as each annotation is focused only on a single source, no in-text citations are included. However, do include in-text citations if you refer to multiple works within an annotation to clarify the source. [Please note that you still need to include in-text citations in the body of your Ministerial Briefing Paper.]
- The final section of your Ministerial Briefing Paper is titled ‘Sources consulted’ and makes up 500 words of the assignment.
- The instructions tell you to provide a one to three sentence description and evaluation of each of the sources that you are listing in this section. Or in other words, each annotation should be one paragraph and about 35 to 50 words.
- You are expected to use at least 15 contemporary and relevant sources of high-quality evidence for this assignment, and many of you will use more.
So …. how we will interpret this:
- The 500 words relates only to the annotations themselves. The publication details are not included in the word count, just the same as in other assignments where the list of references is not part of the word count.
- Not all your references need to be annotated. For example, if you are referring to data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics, Australian Institute of Health and Welfare or a current government policy, there is no need to annotate these as the Minister’s staff will be well aware of these documents. However, if any of these are really critical, then annotate them to explain why they are critical – the references that you annotate should be key documents that the Minister’s staff might want to follow up on to get more information, most likely to be documents used in the current situation, considerations and recommendations sections