Please answer the following case study Questions following the articles.
Chapter 4: Case Study 4.8 “Dick’s Sporting Goods” at pages 245-247.
Chapter 5: Case Study 5.8 “Mobile Payments” at pages 329-334.
1. Write the answers of the Case Study Questions into an MS Word file to submit here on Moodle.
2. Name your Microsoft Word file using your last name such as WoodsCS3 for Tiger Woods.
3. It is due at 11:00 pm on (Sunday).
4. Put your name, course name, and the chapter number at the top of the first page of your document.
5. You need to use Microsoft Word which is the university’s official word processor to submit to Moodle. (Please do not use any other word processor.)
6. Moodle is set up not to allow late submissions. It is recommended for you not to take a risk challenging the last minutes/hours.