Module #3: Teacher-Provided Feedback Discussion Board: Challenges to Providing Effective Feedback

Reflect on what you’ve learned.

  • What are the most effective feedback practices you’ve implemented? What, if any, commonalities do these strategies share?
  • What are your biggest challenges to providing effective feedback?

Post to the discussion board.

  • Briefly describe what you believe to be the biggest external challenge (i.e. time, workload, environment, etc.) to your ability to provide effective teacher-student feedback. 
  • Briefly describe what you believe to be the biggest internal challenge to your ability to provide effective teacher-student feedback. Think about how your personality, experiences, bias, skills, language, tone, etc. might negatively influence the feedback you provide.
  • For each of these challenges, provide a potential solution or practice that might help you overcome or alleviate the challenge. How might this look in your classroom?

Respond to at least one of your colleagues’ postings.

  • Your response should extend the discussion (i.e., ask a question, provide a similar experience, make a suggestion).

Colleague response
patricia G.

Wed Jun 14, 2023 at 3:38 pm

  • Briefly describe what you believe to be the biggest external challenge (i.e. time, workload, environment, etc.) to your ability to provide effective teacher-student feedback. 

The biggest external challenge that teachers face are the time constraints. Teachers have limited time in class to cover curriculum, which can make it difficult  to allocate sufficient time for providing detailed feedback  on an individual student’s work. Additionally teachers may have multiple classes or large class sizes further reducing the time available for personalized feedback. 


  • Briefly describe what you believe to be the biggest internal challenge to your ability to provide effective teacher-student feedback. Think about how your personality, experiences, bias, skills, language, tone, etc. might negatively influence the feedback you provide.

Some internal challenges to providing feedback could include experience, personality, and language. The language used in feedback can significantly impact how students interpret and respond to you. Teachers need to use words that ensure that feedback is encouraging, constructive and specific. Some language barriers can pose a challenge when providing feedback to students who are non-native speakers of the language. 


  • For each of these challenges, provide a potential solution or practice that might help you overcome or alleviate the challenge. How might this look in your classroom?

The best way to overcome these challenges is to self reflect, professional development, and seek feedback from colleagues. By continuously examining and adjusting your biases, adapting your communication style, and engaging in ongoing learning, teachers can improve their ability to provide effective feedback to their students.

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