Module #5: Feedback to Families & Stakeholders Discussion Board: Student Scenarios

Reflect on what you’ve learned.

  • In addition to your students, who else do you regularly provide feedback about their learning progress to?
  • In what situations do you involve these stakeholders?

Post to the discussion board.

  • Describe a situation in which you provided (or would typically provide) feedback about a student’s progress or behavior to someone outside of your classroom (i.e. counselor, parent, etc.). 
  • What is behind your rationale for providing this feedback? What do you typically hope to accomplish by connecting with this other stakeholder?
  • What are the overall benefits and challenges to providing this feedback? Does it usually achieve the intended results? Why or why not?

Respond to at least one of your colleagues’ postings.

  • Your response should extend the discussion (i.e. ask a question, provide a similar experience, make a suggestion).

Clloeague response
patricia G.

Thu Jun 15, 2023 at 5:19 pm
One situation in which I would typically provide feedback about a student’s progress or behavior to someone outside of my classroom is when communicating with the student’s parents or guardians. This feedback could be shared during parent-teacher conferences, through written progress reports, or through regular communication channels such as emails or phone calls.
The rationale behind providing this feedback is to keep parents or guardians informed about their child’s academic progress, social development, and behavior within the classroom. By establishing this connection, I aim to create a collaborative partnership between the school and the student’s family, with the common goal of supporting the student’s overall growth and success.
The main benefits of providing this feedback are:
1. Increased parental involvement: Sharing feedback with parents encourages their active involvement in their child’s education. It allows them to gain insights into their child’s strengths, areas for improvement, and any concerns that may arise.
2. Support for student’s learning: When parents are aware of their child’s progress, they can provide additional support and resources at home that align with the student’s needs. This collaboration can positively impact the student’s learning and overall academic achievement.
However, there are also some challeneges: 
1. Limited perspective: The feedback provided by teachers may not capture the complete picture of a student’s experiences or challenges. It is important to ensure that the feedback is balanced and takes into account multiple sources of information, including student self-assessment and input from other stakeholders.
2. Communication barriers: Communication between teachers and parents can sometimes be challenging due to differences in expectations, language barriers, or limited availability. Efforts should be made to overcome these barriers and establish effective channels for communication.
The impact of the feedback on achieving intended results can vary. In many cases, involving parents and guardians in a student’s progress leads to increased support and engagement, which can positively impact the student’s performance and well-being. However, it is important to note that not all situations may yield immediate improvements. Consistent communication and collaboration over time are often necessary to see the desired outcomes. Additionally, open and constructive dialogue between teachers and parents is crucial for addressing concerns, developing action plans, and ensuring the best support for the student.

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