Module 5: Supporting Healthy Communication and Relationships. Favorite Learning Spaces

Favorite Learning Spaces

Immersive Reader

As you wrap up this section on Learning Happens When Students Feel Safe, tap into the expertise of your colleagues, and share your own. Post to the discussion board answering the following questions:

  1. Describe your favorite (or a fulfilling) learning experience you had in or out of school.
  2. Appraise what made that class fulfilling for you. Was it the topic, the instructor, the way the class was facilitated, or a combination of all those things?
  3. What are the ways you help your class be as fulfilling?

 Continue your discussion post by reflecting on what you now know about interpersonal neurobiology and secure attachment.

  1. How does your understanding of feeling or lack of feeling safe inform your understanding of why you or your students might find a class fulfilling?
  2. Describe how underlying institutional beliefs, norms, practices, and assumptions can limit or support students in developing secure attachments.
  3. What questions do you have and/or challenges are you facing in making your classes feel safe for your students? Be specific so that others can respond with detailed and productive ideas.
  4. Respond to at least one of your colleagues by offering advice, ideas, or strategies to the question(s) they posted, or by asking them a question regarding the strategies they shared. (Your response should be meaningful, with a goal to push each other’s thinking rather than offering a superficial exchange. Please see rubric)
My colleagues response
Brittney O.

Fri Jun 16, 2023 at 5:56 am

One of the most fulfilling moments this year is when a student wrote a letter to me that stated, “you are the only teacher that has ever taught me something. Thank you for always listening and caring.” This was fulfilling because not only did it display that I taught them something in the academic field, it also displayed that I was meeting SEL needs. Additionally, it was fulfilling because it displayed that I cultivated a positive relationship with that individual student. I have noticed that when students trust their teachers, they are more likely to engage in collaborative activities, participate in discussions, and seek assistance when needed. My positive relationships with my students foster a sense of community, support, and respect, creating a nurturing and inclusive classroom environment.


Feeling safe in a classroom is of utmost importance as it creates an optimal learning environment for students. Feeling safe in a classroom is crucial for students’ emotional well-being, positive relationships, risk-taking, engagement, focus on learning, reduced stress, and positive behavior. It creates an inclusive and supportive atmosphere where students can thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. As educators, it is essential to prioritize and nurture this sense of safety to ensure optimal learning experiences for all students.

Underlying institutional beliefs, norms, practices, and assumptions can have a significant impact on students’ ability to develop secure attachments. Institutional beliefs and attitudes towards attachment and relationships can influence how educators and staff approach student interactions. If there is a belief that attachment needs are unimportant or that students should be independent from a young age, it can limit the availability of nurturing and responsive relationships. Conversely, institutions that prioritize and value secure attachments will create an environment that supports healthy relationship development. It is important for institutions to critically examine their beliefs, norms, practices, and assumptions to ensure they are aligned with creating an environment that supports students in developing secure attachments. 


Question: what are some ways that YOU make your students feel safe in your classroom?


Criteria Grading Scale
Criteria Grading Scale
Participant Interaction


Exceeds Expectations

Participant frequently shares thoughtful reflections and responds to and collaborates with colleagues in a respectful and engaging way.



Participant satisfactorily shares thoughtful reflections and responds to colleagues in a respectful and engaging way.


Partially Meets Expectations

Participant partially shares thoughtful reflections and responds to colleagues in a respectful and engaging way.


Does Not Meet Expectations

Participant rarely shares thoughtful reflections or responds to colleagues in a respectful and engaging way.

Elements of Answer


Participant provides a high level of detail in entries.

Participant engages in meaningful and extensive self-reflection and consideration of issues related to critical consciousness and advances the group discussion of these issues.


Participant provides an adequate level of detail in entries.

Participant engages in self-reflection and consideration of issues related to critical consciousness.


Participant provides some level of detail in entries.

Participant includes little self-reflection or consideration of issues related to critical consciousness.


Participant provides a low level of detail in entries.

Participant includes no self-reflection or consideration of issues related to critical consciousness.

Answer Supported


Examples are very helpful and informative and fosters high quality discussions.


Examples are
satisfactorily helpful and informative and foster discussions


Examples are somewhat helpful and informative and occasionally foster discussions.


Participant typically does not include informative examples or foster discussions.

Clarity of Answer


Participant’s responses are exceedingly clear and well written.


Participant’s responses are clear and well written.


Participant’s responses are somewhat unclear and poorly written.


Participant’s responses are unclear or poorly written..

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