Module #6: Feedback for Professional Growth Discussion Board: Current Sources of Feedback

Reflect on what you’ve learned.

  • What feedback do you currently receive from you students, colleagues, administrators, and other district leaders (whether solicited or unsolicited)?
  • How does this feedback influence your professional practice?

Post to the discussion board.

  • Describe one piece of feedback you’ve received about your teaching from a student and one that you’ve received from a colleague that influenced something you do in your classroom.
  • For each piece of feedback, explain whether the feedback was solicited or unsolicited, what the feedback was, how you responded initially, and the change that you made to your professional practices as a result of it.
  • Think about the frequency, quality, and diversity of your current professional feedback sources. How might you be able to leverage additional sources of feedback to further improve your professional practice? 

Respond to at least one of your colleagues’ postings.

  • Your response should extend the discussion (i.e., ask a question, provide a similar experience, make a suggestion).

Colleague response patricia G.

Thu Jun 15, 2023 at 5:31 pm

Patricia Giannini 

8:30 PM (0 minutes ago)

to me
One piece of feedback I received from a student was unsolicited. The student mentioned that they sometimes found it challenging to understand the instructions I provided during classroom activities. Initially, I appreciated the student’s honesty and took their feedback as an opportunity to improve my clarity in delivering instructions. I started being more conscious of my language, making instructions concise, and providing examples or visual aids when necessary. This change helped enhance students’ understanding and engagement during activities.
On the other hand, I received feedback from a colleague during a professional development session. We were discussing strategies for promoting student engagement, and my colleague suggested incorporating more hands-on and interactive activities in my lessons. This feedback was solicited, as I actively sought input from fellow teachers. I acknowledged the value of their suggestion and recognized the need to diversify my instructional approaches. As a result, I began incorporating more group work, discussions, and interactive tasks into my lessons, which increased student participation and enthusiasm.
1. Student feedback: Actively seeking feedback from students through surveys, anonymous suggestion boxes, or one-on-one conversations can provide valuable insights into their learning experiences and perceptions. This feedback can help me better understand their needs, interests, and preferences.
2. Parent feedback: Encouraging parents to provide feedback on their child’s experiences in the classroom can offer unique perspectives. Parent-teacher conferences, surveys, or open communication channels can facilitate this feedback exchange, allowing me to tailor my teaching approaches to meet the needs and expectations of families.
3. Peer observations and feedback: Collaborating with colleagues to conduct classroom observations and provide constructive feedback can be mutually beneficial. Engaging in professional learning communities or peer coaching relationships can facilitate this process, enabling a supportive exchange of ideas and practices.
By actively seeking feedback from a wider range of sources, I can gain a more comprehensive understanding of my teaching effectiveness and identify areas for growth. It allows me to address the diverse needs of my students, create a more inclusive learning environment, and continuously enhance my professional practice.

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