Module 6: Monitoring, Community, and Support Authentic Task #2: Developing a Learner Contract

Authentic Task #2

Developing a Learner Contract

For this task you will create a learner contract that details the accommodations you will make for the ELL and the additional expectations you have for the student in class.

A few weeks pass with a new English Language Learner in your classroom and you notice that this student is occasionally confused about what is expected of them and how much guidance you can provide in class. More than once the student has loudly asked you for an answer during an otherwise quiet assessment. The other students were bothered by this outburst and gave the learner angry looks. The student does not understand why their classmates are upset with them. 

You understand that cultural differences might be causing your student to struggle with the other students in your classroom, so you decide to create a learner contract that will open the lines of communication and demonstrate your commitment to helping your learner succeed. You want to find a way to explicitly establish your expectations without sounding like you are reprimanding or shaming the student, so you have decided to create a learner contract.

  • This contract should be one with room for the ELL to add their own ideas, not a predetermined set of accommodations. For example, there may be a section on reading accommodations with checkboxes the student can select as well as a blanks for the student to add their own ideas. 

  • The contract may cover some of the following, but it should be designed to meet the specific student’s need/grade level/age, so some ideas may be omitted and additional points can be added :

    • Attendance expectations

    • Behavior expectations

      • Raising your hand

      • Interruptions

      • Waiting in line

    • How to ask for help

      • What kinds of assignments teacher can help with

      • What kind of help the teacher can provide

      • How a classroom buddy can assist the student

    • Accommodations

      • When a translator/bilingual dictionary is appropriate

      • When an English monolingual dictionary is appropriate

      • When speaking, reading, or writing in the student’s L1 is acceptable

      • When and if extra time will be given to complete tasks/tests/assignments

  • Create a paper contract that you can photograph and share with the learner’s family, OR a digital contract that the student can sign electronically. Explain why you made this choice.

  • Make appropriate use of images, symbols, and even multi-lingual instructions to help students comprehend the ideas in the contract.

  • The design should take into account that the student’s language level could be quite low. Use of images, simple words, and number scales will be essential (see rubric for details). 

  • After designing your contract, you will write a reflection (2 paragraphs maximum) that explains why you made the choices you did.


Does Not Meet

Approaching Expectations

Meets Expectations

Exceeds Expectations


Sections are frequently not detailed enough or not appropriate. 

Many of the sections are not detailed enough or not appropriate. 

Most sections are detailed  and appropriate, but there may be some sections missing.

Sections are detailed and appropriate, but never critical of the student’s cultural differences.

Language level

Text is written for native speakers with no care given in adjusting language for learners.

Text vacillates between accommodating language level, and being written with much too complex language.

Text is worded in a way that an intermediate-level language learner could understand, but a low-level learner would probably struggle with.

Text is carefully worded in a way that even a very low-level learner could comprehend and respond to.

Modality (digital, oral or paper)

The instructor chose a format (digital or paper) without any justification for doing so.

The instructor may have given thought to selecting the modality, but the reflection does not justify it.

The instructor gave thought to selecting the modality and explained it in the reflection.

The format was selected in order to maximize benefit to the student and was carefully explained in the reflection.

Use of images, symbols, and visual scales.

No attempt was made to modify language for low-level language learners.

Some attempt was made to modify for low-levels, but not enough to be workable.

Multiple attempts were made to meet the needs of low-level learners, but more could be done.

Every possible effort was made to meet the needs of low-level language learners with images, symbols, and visual scales.


No reflection is attached and the decisions made are not justified.

A reflection is attached, but it only justifies a few of the choices made in the questionnaire.

A reflection is attached, and it justifies most of the choices made.

The questionnaire is accompanied by a detailed reflection that fully explains the choices made.

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