Multiple article critical analysis /Critical Analysis of Three Journal Articles in Psychology articles already chosen

Critical analysis is an important skill required for understanding scientific psychological evidence and developing scientific arguments. In the workplace, you would regularly be expected to critically read, review and evaluate different types of documents.
By completing this task you will demonstrate your ability to summarise and critically analyse psychological research and apply academic literacies appropriate to the discipline of psychology.
By completing this assessment, you will be able to:
CO2: Describe and evaluate ethical research practices
CO3: Describe and evaluate basic research designs
CO4: Apply academic literacies appropriate to the discipline of Psychology
please ensure to use synth
Identifies and summarises the key elements of three journal articles, integrating information from all three articles (aims, variables, research questions, methods, results).
Demonstrates critical and analytical thinking in synthesising information from all three articles to critically analyse the methods, findings and strengths/limitations of the research studies; discussing the theoretical and pratical implications of these results; and presenting a logical conclusion based on this analysis.
The written expression in the response of is of high quality (free from spelling, grammar and language errors), and is organised and structured in a logical fashion. 
Correctly formats references using the APA 7th edition conventions. 
This second part of your critical analysis assessment requires you to critically analyse the information in three provided journal articles. You need to demonstrate your ability to read and evaluate the key information presented in the provided articles. 
Note that one of these journal articles is the same article you read for Part 1 of the assessment. You will need to read it again. There are two new articles to also read.
In order to demonstrate you have critically analysed the articles and identified the key points, you will be required to summarise your findings in a cohesive and coherent way.
(Word Count
The word count for assessment 2.2 is 1,650. As with assessment 2.1., marks will be deducted from papers exceeding this limit based on the percentage by which the limit is exceeded, with 1% deducted for every 1% over the limit. For example, a 1,815 words paper is 165 words (i.e. 10%) over the limit and would have 10% deducted from the total marks possible. The reference list is not included in the word count but all body text (including in-text references and subheadings) are included in the word count.)
1- Create a new word document. Note that there is no template for Part 2 of this assessment.
    This is where you will write one cohesive and coherent piece critically analysing and discussing your findings from the three articles.
    To assist you with preparing notes and ideas to include in your assignment, you can begin by reading the While You Read Guide (in file section) presented below. This info below highlights the key information you will need to obtain from the three articles for this assessment. 
The following provides you with information on what to include in the body section of your critical analysis and where to find this information in the journal articles. Please write your body section in paragraphs 
    In your assignment you will need to have a clear introduction section, body section and discussion/conclusion section.
        Introduction: clearly, but briefly, state the main message of the three articles and the aim of the studies (a few sentences should suffice); 
        Body: write your critical analysis synthesising your findings from the three articles based on the questions highlighted in the ‘introduction, methods, results and strengths & limitations’ sections of the While You Read Guide; and ensure that your discussion is a summary and synthesis of the three articles and not just answers to the questions about each article, separately.
        Discussion/Conclusion: In the conclusion section bring the summary together by addressing the following questions based on your evaluation of the three articles (you can refer to the conclusion/discussion section of the journal articles to help you with this):
            What are the theoretical and practical implications of this research?
            What are the recommendations for future research?
            Draw a conclusion. This will be based on your evaluation of the research.
2. Download and read the three journal articles listed in the files section.
3. Create a new word document. Note that there is no template for Part 2 of this assessment.
    This is where you will write one cohesive and coherent piece critically analysing and discussing your findings from the three articles.
    In your assignment you will need to have a clear introduction section, body section and discussion/conclusion section.
        Introduction: clearly, but briefly, state the main message of the three articles and the aim of the studies (a few sentences should suffice); 
        Body: write your critical analysis synthesising your findings from the three articles based on the questions highlighted in the ‘introduction, methods, results and strengths & limitations’ sections of the While You Read Guide; and ensure that your discussion is a summary and synthesis of the three articles and not just answers to the questions about each article, separately.
        Discussion/Conclusion: In the conclusion section bring the summary together by addressing the following questions based on your evaluation of the three articles (you can refer to the conclusion/discussion section of the journal articles to help you with this):
            What are the theoretical and practical implications of this research?
            What are the recommendations for future research?
            Draw a conclusion. This will be based on your evaluation of the research.
4. REFERENCING: You will need to reference the three articles in text throughout this assignment and provide a reference list including the references for these three articles. You do not need to reference any other sources.
    Use the APA 7th edn. referencing conventions for your references.  
APA has specific rules regarding certain types of pronoun usage in attributions, gendered reference. 
Advice and resources
Please ensure you have completed all learning activities for Week 2 and 3. You may like to consult the readings/videos from these weeks whilst completing both Part 1 and Part 2 of your assignment.
When you get to Part 2, some tips for reading: 
    Before you begin writing your critical analysis for Part 2 of the assignment, read each of the articles once to obtain a general understanding of what they are about.
    Then re-read the articles with the While You Read Guide handy to identify the main points the authors are making. You may need to underline or highlight these as you proceed through the article. You can also use the margin on the article to restate what the main points are in your own words. Keep this brief. 
    Distinguish the main points from examples. You generally do not need to include examples in your summary unless they are important to your discussion.
    Look at the points that you have underlined/highlighted/written in your own words in each of the articles and write your summary.
You may need to redraft your summary a few times to make it concise, coherent and cohesive. It would be a good idea to start this assessment task early.
Ensure that your summary comprises a critical evaluation of the three articles and not merely a description of the discussion.
Your summary and synthesis of the main arguments from the three journal articles should be as far as possible be written in your own words. Avoid directly quoting from the journal articles.
You may also like to refer to the following resources:
The readings/videos from Topic 2 and 3 may be useful for Parts 1 and 2 of the assignment.
The video on summary writing and synthesising a journal article from Topic 6 may be useful for part 2 of the assignment. 
The following  provides you with information on what to include in the body section of your critical analysis and where to find this information in the journal articles. Please write your body section in paragraphs 
  Where to find the info to answer the questions
What is the aim of the studies?
Why is this research important?
What are the dependent and independent variables?
What is (are) the research questions or hypotheses?
 In your own words describe the methods and procedure of the articles
Describe the samples used in the studies
What were the study designs?
State the main results of the studies?
Were the hypotheses supported?
Discuss the strengths and limitations of these studies Strengths & Limitations/ Discussion
introduction sections of studies please answer:
What is the aim of the studies?
Why is this research important?
What are the dependent and independent variables?
What is (are) the research questions or hypotheses?
Methods sections please answer:
In your own words describe the methods and procedure of the articles
Describe the samples used in the studies
What were the study designs?
Results section please answer:
State the main results of the studies?
Were the hypotheses supported?
Strengths & Limitations/ Discussion:
Discuss the strengths and limitations of these studies
ensure that your discussion is a summary and synthesis of the three articles and not just answers to the questions about each article, separately.
important notes:
synthesis: all 3 articles need to be combined in order to connect points etc come up with a new Idea
Synthesis refers to reporting the literature in a way that compares, makes contrasts, and critically analyzes what is found in the existing body of literature in any given field (and often across fields).
To create your outline, first take out the notes that you took while reading, and then:
    Narrow your topic to a specific topic sentence and/or thesis statement. This statement should clearly and concisely convey to your reader the paper’s purpose and serve as a basis for the argument you will make. 
    Create a list of main ideas or themes that you identified in your note taking process. If you were thorough in your note taking, this step will likely be very easy. If not, you might need to spend some additional time brainstorming and reviewing your sources. Be critical of the ideas you plan to include. Do they advance your argument? Do they offer a counterargument? Do they aid in understanding?
    Organize the main ideas in your list into a logical order. This means following a logical progression of idea development. Or, more simply, building a clear argument. Decide what you need to say and in what order makes the most sense to say it. 
    Add in sub points and specific evidence to the main ideas.
    Review and adjust the outline once more to make sure it responds to the assignment guidelines
Quick Tips: 
    Create outline using the correct APA headings
    Fill in the outline with the notes you have taken
    Include your APA citation in ALL notes on your outline
    Feel confident in your Outline organization and content before you begin writing
An overview in your own words and sentence structure of important information in a source. Often about the same length (or shorter) as the original and includes all main points and details.
Important summarized or paraphrased information transformed into a new interpretation, resulting in student’s (and reader’s) greater understanding of the topic. Synthesis is a combination of ideas that convey how sources (theories, studies, books) interact with one another.
An articulation in your own words and sentence structure of an important page, section, paragraph, or idea in another source. Is often the same length or longer than the original, focusing only on information that is relevant to the context in which it is being used (i.e., in relation to the other content with which it is being synthesized).
What is paraphrasing?
Paraphrasing is a higher-order writing skill – one that is required in research writing for presenting background information, research problems, and literature reviews.
Here are some process tips for paraphrasing:
    Read the original passage several times through so that you are sure you understand it.
    Put the original passage out of sight (e.g., close the document on your computer, close the book, tuck the article away in a drawer)
    Open a blank document
    Talk to someone about the original passage; do your best to explain it verbally in your own words
    Write the idea in your own words
Avoiding Logical Fallacies
What is a logical fallacy?
Logical fallacies refer to errors in an author’s reasoning and therefore writing that makes the overall argument less believable or credible for the reader. Essentially, logical fallacies impair the communication of the author’s ideas, leading to a less convincing argument by weakening the presentation of the author’s logic. Following you will find a definition of logic and the most common logical fallacies that authors make. 
In writing, logic refers to a pattern of explicating the relationship and connections between an author’s claim, evidence, and conclusions. Logical writing contains clearly described claims, evidence that proves these claims, and conclusions that explain the validity and significance of the overall argument. If one of these components is compromised (i.e., a logical fallacy), then the author’s argument becomes less strong and less believable. 
 See pictures
Logical Fallacies: Explanation, Examples, and Editing Tips aee 3 pic
Reducing Bias
Explanation and Examples
Bias in writing refers to unfounded and unreasonably negative or positive treatment of a topic. APA mandates that authors avoid “perpetuating demeaning attitudes and biased assumptions about people in their writing” (pp. 70-71). Biases can be made regarding the treatment of gender, sexual orientation, racial/ethnic group, disability, and age. To avoid these biases, APA recommends adhering to three specific guidelines for reducing bias:
Guideline 1 pic: 
Guideline One: Describe at the Appropriate Level of Specificity 
To avoid biases, writers should choose language that accurately represents the topic or person(s) discussed. To avoid biases, follow these specification guidelines:
For instance, a literature review must present an organized, objective analysis of the current literature related to your field of study and research topic. This means the literature review (aka, the synthesis of sources) needs to be free from your opinion, personal experience, embellishment, and so forth. However… that doesn’t mean you don’t have a critical role to play on the page. As the author of the literature review, you are:
    The Detective
        Identifying a research problem;
        Drawing key ideas from literature about that problem;
        Connecting those ideas into a logical narrative.
    The Analyst
        Building your case about connections between key ideas;
        Persuading readers with your logical narrative.
    The Narrator
        Seeing relationships between sources
        Fitting pieces (arguments) together to reveal the whole (state of knowledge on this topic in your field).
            Avoid forcing a relationship if one is not apparent. 
            Be willing to drop a source if it does not play a logical role in the story. 
            Find relationships that are not only interesting but also relevant to your study’s focus/thesis.
Writers need to follow the four steps below to arrive at a well organized, comprehensive synthesized literature review. Steps 1 and 2 are covered in other areas on our website, and read on for details on Steps 3 and 4.
Performing Synthesis: Organizing by Theme
Synthesis means focusing on the themes that develop across the sources that you’ve reading. It’s distinctly different from an annotated bibliography, which summarizes one article at a time. Although you might begin with a list of annotations, your final literature review must reflect synthesis:
Guideline Two: Be Sensitive to Labels
To avoid biases, writers should choose language that accurately represents the topic or person(s) discussed. To avoid biases,
Guideline Two: Be Sensitive to Labels
To avoid biases, writers should choose language that accurately represents the topic or person(s) discussed. To avoid biases
Guideline Three: Acknowledge Participation
this can be found here:
Exemplar: A past student assignment example is available for you to view. Please note: the example is to be used as a guide only, it is not a perfect representation of the assessment to be copied. available in the files section.
videos mentioned will be uploaded if I can.
rubic grading cube is attached in file section. it gives a clear view of what is requested.
this link will help:
also on the files section injad started filing in some stuff regarding notes etc in the whole you read. 
I have also attached my critical assessment part 1 with fees back feel free to incorporate.
so much my life saver please see the videos uploaded as well. please take a look…..

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