Multiple Assignments #12-#15 (Please separate the assignments using the topics below)

Please be aware that these assignment needs to be at least 2 pages long, typed, double-spaced APA formatted. Each assignment needs at least 2-3 required sources!

1. Assignment #12 Concurrent Planning & Expediting Permanency in CPS Custody Cases. 

Understand the factors that contribute to permanency planning from one State (Kentucky) using the Kentucky Adoptions Opportunity Project. Also, you can understand the role of a caseworker in having to deal with a parent(s) who are not getting their act together while the child(ren) are in custody and your role to start concurrent planning in case the parents never complete their services and termination of parental rights may the result. 

2. Assignment #13. The Important of Observing Interactions Between Parents and Children at Placement Visitation.

Read the article on visitation plans. This will help you understand the best types of visitation plans with regard to parents, children, foster parents, and case workers. 

3. Assignment #14: Reunification & Post Closure Services

Understand the role of reunification and post-closure services from this article of a study in Texas as to what factors facilitate the reentry of children into the foster care system who have been reunified with their parents. 

4. Assignment #15 GALS or SELF-CARE

A15: This article helps you understand the Roles of the Guardian Ad Litem in CPS Custody Cases & Communication With the GAL from the CPS Worker (Assignment15LegalIssues PDF)


Assignment #16 Self-Care

A16: Article: Assignment15TransferrenceAndCountertransference(PDF)

These assignments should be on the same document as separate assignments and reference pages should have at least 2 sources with reference links to the articles or documents.

USE a blank page in between each assignment, please! 

PLEASE communicate with me if you need clarity on anything.

*Please make sure to include a reference to support your initial postingYour response should reflect assignment directions ultimately. You should write a thoughtful
response that clarifies that you have read and understood the material. You may
also draw upon professional
and/or personal experiences to make your point as a reference to the findings. These responses should be no
longer than a few paragraphs. You must also include a reference list.

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