This exercise will help you to put what you are learning this week to work for you as you start thinking about the first assignment due at the end of Unit 2. Please take time now to review the Search Strategy assignment. Open the assignment template and notice the steps involved in creating the assignment. This discussion will allow you get an early start on the assignment and start developing your research strategy.
If you would like to propose your own topic, discuss your idea with your professor.
The Unit 1 Learning Resources will help you to get acquainted with the UMGC Library and other online resources, allowing you to scope out information that is available and relevant to your question.
Please answer the following questions in your discussion post:
1. What topic did you choose? What key words did you notice as you scoped out your topic? [You are answering Step 1 and Step 2, #2.]
2. A good research question will be open-ended and will narrow the topic in some way. Please share your research question and explain briefly how you developed it. [You are answering Step 2, #3.]
3. What are the key concepts in your research question and what alternative words can you think of for each concept? [You are answering Step 2, # 5 & #7.]
4. Try using simple Boolean logic to create a search statement using your key concepts. If you really want to impress me and your classmates, try an advanced searching technique! (Steps 3 & 4)
5. What do you feel is still unclear to you about creating a search strategy?
Once you have posted, please respond to at least two of your classmates. You will find that some of your classmates will have chosen the same topic as you. What ideas can you share? Offer something concrete — suggestions of where to look, what search terms to use, or ways to narrow/focus their topic.