Needing assistance with paper for HSA320 week 8

As an HR manager in a large health care organization, you have developed a new reward and recognition program designed to help increase employee motivation and job satisfaction in a specific hospital department of your choice. You may choose either a clinical or non-clinical department.


Based on the course readings and a minimum of four appropriate sources of research, create a 4–6 page executive summary suitable for presentation to senior leadership on employee motivation that includes the following:

  1. Determine which department is suitable for the reward and recognition program.
  2. Identify a specific goal the employees must work on to be eligible for recognition or to receive the award. 
    • Examples include reducing errors, increasing customer or patient satisfaction, reducing costs.
  3. Research a specific motivation theory and determine why this method would be the most practical and effective for this program.
    • Theories such as the expectancy theory, equity theory, goal-setting theory, Management by Objectives (MBO), or the four-prong model of intrinsic motivation.
  4. Explain why the selected theory would be the most practical and effective for the rewards and recognition program.
  5. Recommend 2–3 types of rewards and (or) recognition that would be the most effective in motivating the employees to achieve the goals.
  6. Create a communication tool for eligible employees announcing the program, rules, and awards.
    • For example, email, newsletter, internal Facebook post.

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