Two full pages (double spaced) of writing (500-600 words).
In one page for each city (Oakland & Detroit)
Describe an example of Access to Foods and/or Environmental Conditions in the Neighborhood and Built Environment Category of the Social Determinants of Health for each city. Must name the category and state the issue (see below).
Discuss the efforts aimed at improving one of the problems shown
Neighborhood and Built Environment Category of the Social Determinants of Health
MUST use the terms below as needed in the paper
Access to Foods that Support Health Eating Patterns
Food Deserts: fresh affordable foods not available
Food Swamps: over availability of fast food, processed foods and nutrient poor foods
Environmental Conditions
Air Quality
Exterior conditions of buildings
open space/parks (or lack of)
USE examples from the film with enough detail to support your arguments
DO NOT REPEAT the unnecessary plot points, description or narration from the film