Next, look closely at your four advertisements and identify the people present in the ads. Then, make objective observations about them and their actions. Finally, discuss the impact of bias on both social scientists and consumers

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

Describe how individuals are presented in all of your advertisements.
Your analysis is limited to each person in your ads. You are not examining settings, logos, taglines, mood/tone, or any other element of the ads. Objectively describe the people. What characteristics can you objectively observe using your senses?
In this step, do not make interpretations or judgments about the individuals.
Describe the actions being taken by the individuals in all of your advertisements.
Your analysis is still limited to each person in your ads, but now objectively describe what they are doing. What behaviors can you objectively observe using your senses?
In this step, do not make interpretations or judgments about the individuals’ behaviors.
Explain whether social scientists can be truly objective when conducting research.
Consider this week’s discussion, the module resources, and your analysis of the people in your advertisements. Do you think social scientists can be genuinely objective when doing research? Explain why or why not. Support your argument with evidence such as examples or quotes.
Discuss how consumer biases may impact the interpretation of your advertisements.
How might the beliefs, assumptions, and/or values of various consumers influence how they perceive your four advertisements? How could their own biases lead them to interpret your advertisements differently than you?

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