plz ensure you read all the upload lectures and readings before you start your work, this is really important because this is a lecture-based courcework, you should focus on the theories which shown in the lectures notes and implemented trhem in your essay,
a sample essay also provided, you can follow the sample essay structure
you should address one of the seven questions below and submit the coursework according to the instructions indicated at the bottom of this document. The questions should be addressed in 2000 words.
Essays MUST include relevant literature from the module. Failure to do so will see marks capped at 50.
Question 1
By referring to the relevant literature (e.g. Gawer, 2014; Cusumano et al. 2019) and by using relevant examples analyse how platform configuration and platform leadership shape each other.
Question 2
With reference to the literature and case studies analysed during the module, A) explain the notions of modularity and interfaces and B) analyse the relationship between modular design choices and platform leadership.
Question 3
By referring to Jacobides et al (2018) explain what non-generic complementarities are and analyse their relevance to the governance of ecosystems.
Question 4
Explain the notion of architectural frames (Henfridsson, et al, 2014) and how they can critique Gawer’s 2014 work.
Question 5
Over the last 24 months, the Covid19 pandemic transformed the way we live, work and study. By applying the notions of “platform” and “interfaces” (and any other relevant terms) to the university sector, analyse how your university has changed from 2020-2022 and make strategic suggestions on how digital technologies could be used to support teaching delivery in the future.
Question 6
In 2020 the two car manufacturing groups FCA and PSA merged to create Stellantis, one of the largest car manufacturing group in the world. Basing your argument on platform theory, analyse the possible strategic scenarios for Stellantis moving forward and explain what, in your view, the better strategic options are.
Question 7
Platforms, and the idea of “platforms society” is becoming increasingly relevant. By referring to the relevant literature addressed in this module and to relevant examples (especially weeks 10 and 11), analyse the risks and opportunities that platformisation of society brings to organisations and individuals. Use platform theory to show how these risks and opportunities arise.