The Research Process: Sampling, Ethics & Data Collection
There are numerous sampling methods. Random (or probability) sampling is the gold standard with convenience sampling being the least reliable. Multiple sampling techniques lie in between the two. The research design has an influence on the sampling technique used. Ethics influence how subjects are recruited to participate in research.
In the final activity, you will be presenting a plan for an evidence-based research project. The final activity information is only a plan for research. You will not be implementing or evaluating any part of your plan. In the first activity, you identified and defined a problem at your organization or in your practice. You also conducted a literature review. In the second activity, you chose an evidence-based change in practice or intervention that you could use to address the identified problem. You also wrote a research question, a hypothesis, and chose a theory that can be used to guide your project.
In this activity you are asked to discuss your sampling methodology, the study site, and the population from which you will be recruiting for your sample. You will also discuss the recruitment process and ethical considerations you must address when choosing your sample and collecting your data. Discuss your plan for gathering data (if you are planning to use a survey make sure you choose an established survey tool and discuss the reliability and validity of the survey, if you are planning a qualitative study discuss your proposed data collection questions). Provide a detailed description of how you will implement your evidence-based change in practice or intervention (if you are doing an educational intervention do not forget to add a content outline and learning objectives). Make sure to address all stakeholders that may be impacted by your evidence-based change or intervention. Finally discuss how you will ensure by-in from the stakeholders.
Suggested Reading and Resources
Read Chapters 16-26 in Polit and Beck (2021).
Additional Instructions:
1. All submissions should have a title page and reference page.
2. Utilize a minimum of five scholarly resources.
3. Adhere to grammar, spelling and punctuation criteria.
4. Adhere to APA compliance guidelines.
5. Adhere to the chosen Submission Option for Delivery of Activity guidelines.
Submission Options for Delivery of Activity
Submission Options for Delivery of Activity
Choose one option
3 to 4-page paper. Include title and reference pages.
*Note: Title and reference pages/slides do not count towards the count requirements.
MY Evidence based intervention is to assign staff members to specific areas on the unit ( an inpatientpsychiatric unit with highly acutely ill mental health patients) in hopes that staff will be able to recognize early warning signs of escalating behavior to apply early therapeutic intervention in hopes of decreasing workplace violence among staff members (nurses, nursing assistants )
I am choosing to do a four page paper
references must be scholarly works journals books gov’t agencies, following apa 7