Nutrition Project 2 – Diet Analysis: How can you know if a fad diet is beneficial or harmful for you?

Pick a diet and write a 4-5 page paper on it covering the following (at least 10 peer-reviewed sources):

Diet overview – Explain the following:
The diet’s premise and claims
The diet’s guidelines
Recommendations (i.e., kcals, macronutrients, formulas, gender, etc.)
The claimed biochemical mechanism(s) of action
Place this diet in context (e.g., similar diets, other diets from same author, etc.)
How are they similar/different?
How does the diet support its claims?
Peer-reviewed research or anecdotes? A combination?
Critically analyze the popular diet using peer-reviewed literature (be sure to properly cite only peer-reviewed literature)
Review the claims, guidelines, biochemical mechanisms, and premise
Are they backed with evidence?
What does the peer-reviewed literature specifically say about this diet?
Specifically, are the health benefit/weight loss claims backed by research?
How does this diet compare to My Plate Harvard edition?
If the diet recommends avoiding a food that is traditionally high in an essential nutrient, how does the diet deal with that? Is this backed on evidence?
Based on our analysis of the peer-reviewed evidence, justify your recommendation for or against this diet.
**Diets are first come, first served! Be sure to request the diet you want to do your project on as soon as you decide! You may use additional sources outside of your 10 peer-reviewed sources. Some fad diets will have their primary summaries on non-peer-reviewed websites. You may use that, but those sources are in addition to your 10 peer-reviewed sources.Pick a diet and write a 4-5 page paper on it covering the following (at least 10 peer-reviewed sources):
Diet overview – Explain the following:
The diet’s premise and claims
The diet’s guidelines
Recommendations (i.e., kcals, macronutrients, formulas, gender, etc.)
The claimed biochemical mechanism(s) of action
Place this diet in context (e.g., similar diets, other diets from same author, etc.)
How are they similar/different?
How does the diet support its claims?
Peer-reviewed research or anecdotes? A combination?
Critically analyze the popular diet using peer-reviewed literature (be sure to properly cite only peer-reviewed literature)
Review the claims, guidelines, biochemical mechanisms, and premise
Are they backed with evidence?
What does the peer-reviewed literature specifically say about this diet?
Specifically, are the health benefit/weight loss claims backed by research?
How does this diet compare to My Plate Harvard edition?
If the diet recommends avoiding a food that is traditionally high in an essential nutrient, how does the diet deal with that? Is this backed on evidence?
Based on our analysis of the peer-reviewed evidence, justify your recommendation for or against this diet.
**Diets are first come, first served! Be sure to request the diet you want to do your project on as soon as you decide! You may use additional sources outside of your 10 peer-reviewed sources. Some fad diets will have their primary summaries on non-peer-reviewed websites. You may use that, but those sources are in addition to your 10 peer-reviewed sources.Pick a diet and write a 4-5 page paper on it covering the following (at least 10 peer-reviewed sources):
Diet overview – Explain the following:
The diet’s premise and claims
The diet’s guidelines
Recommendations (i.e., kcals, macronutrients, formulas, gender, etc.)
The claimed biochemical mechanism(s) of action
Place this diet in context (e.g., similar diets, other diets from same author, etc.)
How are they similar/different?
How does the diet support its claims?
Peer-reviewed research or anecdotes? A combination?
Critically analyze the popular diet using peer-reviewed literature (be sure to properly cite only peer-reviewed literature)
Review the claims, guidelines, biochemical mechanisms, and premise
Are they backed with evidence?
What does the peer-reviewed literature specifically say about this diet?
Specifically, are the health benefit/weight loss claims backed by research?
How does this diet compare to My Plate Harvard edition?
If the diet recommends avoiding a food that is traditionally high in an essential nutrient, how does the diet deal with that? Is this backed on evidence?
Based on our analysis of the peer-reviewed evidence, justify your recommendation for or against this diet.
**Diets are first come, first served! Be sure to request the diet you want to do your project on as soon as you decide! You may use additional sources outside of your 10 peer-reviewed sources. Some fad diets will have their primary summaries on non-peer-reviewed websites. You may use that, but those sources are in addition to your 10 peer-reviewed sources.

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