Part 1
- Obtain the Child Abuse Identification and Report Certification
- Complete the free 1 hour online course (2 modules) on Identifying and Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect offered by the Florida Department of Children and Families.
- Go to to an external site. and click on “new user” to create an account.
- You will be asked to create a new account before you can begin.
- When you complete the course, you will get a digital certificate.
- Download, scan the certificate or take a screen shot of the certificate for credit.
- The certificate must include your name for credit.
Part 2 Review the Principles of Professional Conduct for the Education Profession in Florida to an external site.. Write a minimum 2 page paper in APA format (Times New Roman, 12 point font, double spaced; see sample Download see sample) that include the following components:
- Title Page (APA format)
- Summarize what you learned in Part 1 from your certification course.
- Describe how reporting child abuse and neglect reflects the specific principles of professional conduct.
- Conclusion (Reflect on this assignment and summarize your thoughts)
- References (See APA formatting) *Failure to give credit to the original author is plagiarism. It is important to paraphrase information to make it your own and then give credit to the author for the original thought. Be sure to correctly cite your sources at the end of your paper (See APA formatting)
Note: Due to the nature of our final exam, Unicheck will be utilized for grading to ensure originality. When you upload your final paper into Canvas you will have access to a Unicheck originality report prior to submission. The report compares your work to all other papers previously submitted, in addition to, all websites. Also, the report will provide an originality percentage of similarity between your work and similarly worded items on the Internet.