options: 1- analyzing policies to monitor and improve air qualit. option2- analyzing effective water management policies. option 3- examining the way natural, rural Nd urban land is used and managed.

This is an Respruce and Enviromenral Economics terms paper. 

1- analyzing policies to monitor and improve air quality 
2- analyzing effective water management policies
3- examining the way natural, rural and urban land is used and. Managed. 
4- why sustainable land use is important to environenral conservation. 
Writing and format style: 
5 pages
12 point
Times new Roman
Double spaces
1-inch margins 
Numbered pages starting with the INTRODUCTION PAGE as page 1. 
Term paper must haves: 

1st page- tittle page- , my name(mayce marek), code and name of this course (AEC 444.01W Resource and environmental economics. Date (may,7,2023)
2nd page- introduction page- a brief  introduction including the description of the environenral or natural resource topic and it’s development must be presented. Also, this section has to include a clearly worded research objective.
Analysis- at-least 2 pages. Describe the political and economic aspects of the situation. (Describe what/who interests/players (industries, vulnerable populations, developers, residents etc.) discuss wether, how, and to what extent the situation is “bad” from an economic perspective. Is it inefficient, unsustainable, or inequitable. Why or why not. 
Recommendations(1 page)- propose/discuss a policy and or a market solution that uses or leveraged economic relationships and behavior to potentially solve or at least mitigate “bad” outcomes. 
Reference page. 
References in alphabetical order. 
 please include  IN TEXT COTATIONS. 

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