“The collector-base junction is reverse-biased . . .” That is true for all transistor amplifiers, regardless of biasing method. “Due to the negative feedback loop created between the emitter and the collector . . .” — and — “A negative feedback effect is produced by the voltage drop across the collector-base junction . . […]
Discussion Reply: emitter bias more stable than base biasDiscussion Reply: emitter bias more stable than base bias
Why is emitter bias more stable than base bias? Emitter bias is more stable than base bias because it involves biasing the emitter terminal of the transistor to a fixed voltage, while the base-to-emitter voltage is varied. This method provides negative feedback that stabilizes the operating point of the transistor, making it less sensitive […]
Discussion Reply Taylor seriesDiscussion Reply Taylor series
It is no secret that robots have become a common staple of the factory floor. With the ability to attach nearly unlimited custom grippers, and collaborative robots that don’t require safety guarding, robots are finding their way into more and more applications every year. Being able to program a robot to make smooth, quick, and safe […]
Discussion Reply Fourier Transform (Fourier series):Discussion Reply Fourier Transform (Fourier series):
The Fourier series is used to express a periodic signal as a combination of sinusoidal waves, meaning that we have a resultant signal that is made up of a combination of those sine waves. The Fourier transform is a formula that is used to transform a signal that was recorded in either time or […]
Study planStudy plan
STUDY PLAN ASSIGNMENT ORDER To Prepare: Reflect on your prior coursework. Identify content-area strengths and opportunities for improvement. The Assignment: Summarize your strengths and opportunities for improvement. Create a study plan, including specific goals and the tasks you need to complete to accomplish each goal. Include a timetable for accomplishing them and a description of […]
individual case studyindividual case study
1. Apply the five steps of the Planning Process to Uber’s development of it’s app-driven online cab service. 2. Outline the Strategic, Tactical and Functional plans Uber has concerning its new self-driving car program. Show at least one plus and one minus within each of the plans. 3. Plans rarely absolutely go to plan! […]
Hanley (2012) discussed a number of obstacles to conducting functional analyses of problem behaviors. Select 3 obstacles most relevant to you and discuss how to overcome them. This can either be based on experience or interest – but you must refer to the academic literature to support the discussion.
Budgeting for a New Route LaunchBudgeting for a New Route Launch
Prepare To set the stage, read the following articles and consult the Green Airport https://www.flyri.com/ · The $$: Air Service Development Fund (Warwick Beacon) https://warwickonline.com/stories/4-airlines-get-3375m-to-promote-16-new-routes-irish-trade-mission-slated,127652 · The Challenge: How to… market new routes as an airline (Routes Online) https://www.routesonline.com/news/29/breaking-news/270467/how-to-market-new-routes-as-an-airline/ · (Optional) Blog Articles for Marketing Ideas…Aviation Marketing Insights (Simplifying) http://simpliflying.com/aviation-marketing-insights/ Scenario You are hired as […]
Connecting the Dots: What Is an Effective ProgramConnecting the Dots: What Is an Effective Program
In Chapter 10, the text addresses primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention programs. We are going to review the different level programs and explore their effectiveness. Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read Chapter 10 in your text. In addition, Read Diverting Young Offenders From Prison Is ‘Smart Justice.’Links to an external site. Read Dealing […]
5w reply LP5w reply LP
Questions to answer- Minimizing the toxic workplace conflict within the organization is important. Yet, is it possible to minimize all workplace conflict? Are there times when conflict can be good in an organization? Why or why not? This is based on the below case study – You are a family nurse practitioner working in an […]