
From your US/Global South perspective (specify which you use), do you think the EU is doing enough for global development policies? Be specific in your critique.From your US/Global South perspective (specify which you use), do you think the EU is doing enough for global development policies? Be specific in your critique.

From your US/Global South perspective (specify which you use), do you think the EU is doing enough for global development policies? Be specific in your critique.  AT 11;59 due

Literature Review of my thesis: My thesis titles “Family Bonds and Beyond: A textual analysis of family relationships and gender in Nollywood Drama Films”Literature Review of my thesis: My thesis titles “Family Bonds and Beyond: A textual analysis of family relationships and gender in Nollywood Drama Films”

Write my literate review (approx. 10k words) – I have the full outline – I have written a draft for 3k words already (please review and change them to your abilities) THE literature review preceeds the analysis of 9 Nollywood films. So, some of the findings in the films will be explained using  the literature […]

Global Marketing Environment in Iran & the impact they have global marketing activities & strategiesGlobal Marketing Environment in Iran & the impact they have global marketing activities & strategies

The assignment is a 3000 word breifing report on the Country of Iran, using an appropriate medium and exploring 3 marco elements of the global markting environment for Iran and critical evaluate the impact they have on global marketing activites and stratgies.  PESTLE – May thoughts on this are: Politicial & Law Structure internally and on […]

To what extent are rising powers challenging the existing world order? Discuss with reference to China?To what extent are rising powers challenging the existing world order? Discuss with reference to China?

Topic: To what extent are rising powers challenging the existing world order?  Discuss with reference to China? The essay needs to be an argumentative.   What it should be like: Introduction: (around 250 words) I want to give a definition of the world order, some information about the world order and how it facing a […]

The Impact of the Punishment Index for Defaulters on the Activity Level of Innovation and Entrepreneurship: An Empirical Study from ChinaThe Impact of the Punishment Index for Defaulters on the Activity Level of Innovation and Entrepreneurship: An Empirical Study from China

The main focus of this study is to observe three categories of data between 2012 and 2022 in China: the credit punishment system, the index of dishonesty of executed persons, and the index of innovation and entrepreneurship activity of small and micro enterprises (including individual businesses). Through data modeling and empirical analysis, the research examines […]

Towards a Fairer World: Proposing Solutions to Globalization’s Injustices and InequalitiesTowards a Fairer World: Proposing Solutions to Globalization’s Injustices and Inequalities

Purpose of assignment:  The purpose of this assignment is to propose solutions to mitigate the injustices, inequalities, and negative consequences produced by globalization. As this course has made clear, global migration has led to government policies that make it difficult for people to move across national borders and subject undocumented immigrants to the constant threat […]

Optimizing Biomedical Device Maintenance: Strategies for Ensuring Compliance and Reducing Backlogs.Optimizing Biomedical Device Maintenance: Strategies for Ensuring Compliance and Reducing Backlogs.

I need a proposal written on the above topic. See the attached documents.  A proposal topic selection was submitted and approved.  Attached you will find the ALL articles to use for writing the proposal on the topic.  Also, the selection topic was reviewed by peers and attached is their feedback with a supporting article that might […]

The use of generative AI tools like ChatGPT in academic settings is a form of cheatingThe use of generative AI tools like ChatGPT in academic settings is a form of cheating

dont use chatGPT dont go above 600 words provide a plagirism and AI check please write based on the rubric i have provided and make sure that it is all checked out at submission please upload another file with the sections that correspond to each section of the rubric highligted in different colours. instructions are […]

writing a comparison/contrast essay on two Zora Neale Hurston, “The Conscience of the Court” Rabindranath Tagore, “Punishment”writing a comparison/contrast essay on two Zora Neale Hurston, “The Conscience of the Court” Rabindranath Tagore, “Punishment”

 you will be writing a 12-pt. typed, double-spaced comparison/contrast essay on Two Zora Neale Hurston, “The Conscience of the Court” Rabindranath Tagore, “Punishment.” The paper will consist of 1000-1250 words, exclusive of the Works Cited. the paper is to be written in MLA Documentation Style. Works Cited that includes citations for both the short stories […]

CREATIVE NON-FICTION/LITERACY NARRATIVE PROJECT: Develop your essay about either how you tell the story of how you a) became the writer you are today, and what you learned from this experienceCREATIVE NON-FICTION/LITERACY NARRATIVE PROJECT: Develop your essay about either how you tell the story of how you a) became the writer you are today, and what you learned from this experience

Possible Structure Introduction: Exposition (Explicit details, Burke’s Pentad) What issues or choices did you face? If you’re writing about your journey as a writer, what did you feel you had to do to improve? If you’re writing about your discourse community, what was inspiring you to join or stay? Climax (So, what did you decide […]