
Proclamation of Amenesty and Reconstruction (10%plan) Lincoln, Andrew Johnson’s Reconstruction Plan, Congressional Reconstruction Plan (congress)cProclamation of Amenesty and Reconstruction (10%plan) Lincoln, Andrew Johnson’s Reconstruction Plan, Congressional Reconstruction Plan (congress)c

Required Resources Read/review the following resources for this activity: Textbook: Chapter 15, 16 Lesson Minimum of 1 scholarly source (in addition to the textbook) Initial Post Instructions For the initial post, craft a response comparing the three (3) Reconstruction plans: Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction (10% Plan) – Lincoln Andrew Johnson’s Reconstruction Plan Congressional Reconstruction Plan (Congress) Then, address […]

For this assignment, you will write an essay that addresses the following questions: In the US federal system, the relationship between the national and state governments has changed over time.For this assignment, you will write an essay that addresses the following questions: In the US federal system, the relationship between the national and state governments has changed over time.

For this assignment, you will write an essay that addresses the following questions: In the US federal system, the relationship between the national and state governments has changed over time. How do the various models of federalism attempt to explain these relationships? What are some of the explanations for the transition from one model to […]

Social Media: “Social Network Sites and Well-Being: The Role of Social Connection”Social Media: “Social Network Sites and Well-Being: The Role of Social Connection”

Instructions This assignment consists of two parts: A proposal for your research essay: 250-300 words (10% of final grade) An annotated bibliography including three research articles: 200-250 words; i.e. each annotation will be 50-60 words  (10% of final grade) Choosing a Topic: Choose a research topic from one of the following four areas.  These research areas are related to […]

Describe how the historical separation between the meanings and/or knowledge practices ascribed to Nature and Society shaped the worldDescribe how the historical separation between the meanings and/or knowledge practices ascribed to Nature and Society shaped the world

In at least four pages, explore the following prompt: Describe how the historical separation between the meanings and/or knowledge practices ascribed to Nature and Society shaped the world. Some questions you might consider include: What effects has this separation had, and how does it endure today? Why do many academics and people involved in environmental […]

develop an initial survey based on a topic of interest in your personal or professional life.develop an initial survey based on a topic of interest in your personal or professional life.

Describe the topic of your survey. Explain why the topic is important. (How might the results of the study be used in your personal  or professional life?) Identify and describe the potential variables to be included in the data-gathering. Define the population to be studied. Explain why this is the best population for your study.  […]

ASSIGNMENT: Healthcare Workforce Recruitment and Retention Plan (Group Assignment)ASSIGNMENT: Healthcare Workforce Recruitment and Retention Plan (Group Assignment)

Background We hear so much about healthcare workforce shortages but it’s easy to become numb to the actual root cause. Certainly, adding more nurses and physicians to the workforce will improve our shortages but what made them leave in the first place? Every significant problem needs a multifaceted plan many states are working to increase […]

“Compare and contrast how the risks of neonatal mortality and low birth weight may differ for babies delivered by certified midwives than for those delivered by physicians.“Compare and contrast how the risks of neonatal mortality and low birth weight may differ for babies delivered by certified midwives than for those delivered by physicians.

“Compare and contrast how the risks of neonatal mortality and low birth weight may differ for babies delivered by certified midwives than for those delivered by physicians.” Each Critical Thinking assignment must have a minimum of 250 words and contain at least 2 citations for each assignment to support your facts. Include your resources in […]

Why is the implementation of problem-based learning important within a nursing program?Why is the implementation of problem-based learning important within a nursing program?

The topic is clearly examined through the use of a variety of reliable resources. /15 The significance of the topic to the nursing profession is clearly discussed. /10 Benefits, challenges, and strategies to overcome challenges as they relate to the topic are identified. /15 A clear explanation of how the topic can be used by […]

Biomedical Ethics – Answer the following 6 quesons based on reading ( short answer responses of about 3-4 sentences, around 80 words each)Biomedical Ethics – Answer the following 6 quesons based on reading ( short answer responses of about 3-4 sentences, around 80 words each)

Virtue Ethics as an Alterna6ve to Deontological and Consequen6al Reasoning in the Harm Reduc6on Debate, Chris6e, et al. – text pgs. 451-456 Answer the following questions based on the above reading from the course text. These are intended to elicit short answer responses of about 3-4 sentences (on the shorter side if you can convey […]

addition to entertaining us, movies offer detailed portrayals of human social behavior. As popular culture, these films depict common theorizing about crime, criminals, and criminal justice. Choose one of the films , Boyz ‘N the Hood (1991), S)addition to entertaining us, movies offer detailed portrayals of human social behavior. As popular culture, these films depict common theorizing about crime, criminals, and criminal justice. Choose one of the films , Boyz ‘N the Hood (1991), S)

These are her instructions- I chose Boyz’N the Hood In addition to entertaining us, movies offer detailed portrayals of human social behavior. As popular culture, these films depict common theorizing about crime, criminals, and criminal justice.  Choose one of the films listed below. Use your discernment to determine what is appropriate for you to view. […]