
A systematic review of the effectiveness of intermittent fasting in lowering the HbA1c in patients ages 30 to 50-year-old men diagnosed with newly onset DM type 2 vs. taking Metformin.A systematic review of the effectiveness of intermittent fasting in lowering the HbA1c in patients ages 30 to 50-year-old men diagnosed with newly onset DM type 2 vs. taking Metformin.

TOPIC: A systematic review of the effectiveness of intermittent fasting in lowering the HbA1c in patients ages 30 to 50-year-old men diagnosed with newly onset DM type 2 vs. taking Metformin. I uploaded 2 journals below, i need additional 2 journals, articles source, Please fill the table of literature review below that is uploaded using the journals […]


Background Info: For this Module 3 Assessment, you will finalize your Module Assessment for submission in which you examine a situation that includes making a policy recommendation based on your expertise as a psychological consultant to a newly discovered nation. Your recommendations will be included in a 5-page paper not including your title and reference […]

draw use case diagrams and activity diagrams for the Professional and Scientific Staff Management (PSSM)draw use case diagrams and activity diagrams for the Professional and Scientific Staff Management (PSSM)

For this assignment, you are required to draw use case diagrams and activity diagrams for the Professional and Scientific Staff Management (PSSM) case you were provided. Please make sure you provide thoughtful and professional diagrams. Additionally, provide use case descriptions for each identified use case. Also, please note the following specific guidelines: Upload your submission as a single Word file. I […]

The effects of the Civil Rights Movement in African-American Communities (history)The effects of the Civil Rights Movement in African-American Communities (history)

During this course you will complete a 25-page research paper on your chosen topic, related to any US or world history topic you’ve explored in your program. A 15-page rough draft will be due in Topic 3, and the full 25-page final draft will be due in Topic 8. Please visit Topics 3 and 8 […]

Militarization of U.S. Police Forces and its Relationship to Blue-on-Black ViolenceMilitarization of U.S. Police Forces and its Relationship to Blue-on-Black Violence

This is a capstone essay. I have already completed a good chunk of the research paper, so your job is to EXPAND and ADD to the work I have done. There is no need to include an introduction or conclusion because I have already written it. I need you to EXPAND on the essay that […]

Articulate strategies for organizational design related to human resource planning, including recruitment, selection, and retention.Articulate strategies for organizational design related to human resource planning, including recruitment, selection, and retention.

The final paper must be at least six (6) pages (excluding title, abstract, and reference pages) Use APA formatting Include at least 5 peer-reviewed references (you can include non-peer-reviewed sources as long as you also meet the 5 peer-reviewed requirement) Include Cover/Title page, Abstract, and a Reference page. (Title page must include the topic, team number, members, course name, […]

a literary analysis essay that focuses on a theme in Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry.a literary analysis essay that focuses on a theme in Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry.

there is not to many specifics that I need the Assignment topic kind of says it all though this is the first draft will and should be rough; you do not need to be concerned about grammar, punctuation, and spelling at this point in the process. Instead, focus on arranging the parts of your essay in a way […]

Deciding Most influential years for Occupational Therapy (based on lectures provided)Deciding Most influential years for Occupational Therapy (based on lectures provided)

Using this link and one+ other sources…Decide which time period based on the lectures under the time period is the most influential to occupational therapy. 1990-1999 has a lot of info, but it can be any of the time periods from this link below.  Time periods are at the bottom of this page. *** […]

topic submission: improving nursing and respiratory therapy interprofessional collaboration and competenciestopic submission: improving nursing and respiratory therapy interprofessional collaboration and competencies

The topic proposal’s subject is improving nursing and respiratory therapy collaboration and interprofessional competencies. I come from a respiratory therapy background and am finishing my bachelor’s in nursing. I’ve found that there are gaps in knowledge between the two disciplines owing to their scope of practice. However, I feel that it would be beneficial for […]

Homes Are Vanishing From NYC’s Wealthiest Neighborhoods, And It’s Worse Than We ThoughtHomes Are Vanishing From NYC’s Wealthiest Neighborhoods, And It’s Worse Than We Thought

Presentations: You will briefly present an urban policy issue, You are encouraged but not required to find intersections between course themes and your research interests. Your presentation should include a brief summary of major themes, engage the themes critically, and connect the readings to other content from the course and from the discussions we have […]