Write a paper summarizing the core features of one of the positions/theories of one of the philosophers on the syllabus and provide one possible objection to the theory (you may either defend the philosopher from an objection or agree with the objection). Approximately 850 words should be devoted to exegesis and 300 words to the objection, for a total of approximately 1200- 1400 words
Side note: Sources
adequate use of sources and citations involves:
Including a citation for every single idea, argument, or phrase that you take from any source other than your own head.
Citing specific page numbers, of specific sources, by specific authors.
Clearly marking direct quotations in quotation marks.
Paraphrasing (using your own words) to describe the ideas or arguments of others when not quoting directly.
Your primary sources for class assignments should be the relevant course materials; avoid citing lecture slides except where they contain ideas not contained in the text; avoid external sources except when absolutely necessary.
Side Note: The Essay
Introduction (thesis statement; plan for essay)
Body (divided into paragraphs; each paragraph addressing one main idea or argument; paragraphs ordered logically)
Side Note: Exegesis
What is exegesis?
To give an exegesis of a philosophical view is to give an explanation of the main claims and arguments which make up that view.
Some synonyms include summary, reconstruction, exposition, or just explanation.
Note that an exegesis is not just a list of the components of a view; it involves explaining how those components fit together
Finally: the topic that I want to talk about
philosopher: Aristotle: Nichomachean Ethics / Ethical Theory: Aristotelian Ethics