Final Research Paper
Topic: Pick a current event that is ongoing but has changed over the last 20 years to research.
You’re free to pick your own topic and work within this, but this is still a huge question, and it will require you to specifically decide what aspect of this topic you’ll focus on in terms of a thesis statement and the overall focus of the paper. For example, you couldn’t research the state of the economy for the entire world, but you could explore the state of the economy in New York City or a certain region. For example, you couldn’t research homelessness in the entire world, but you could explore homelessness in New York City. Shape and mold the current event so that you’re researching and writing about something that’s manageable.
Begin to research this topic by collecting and organizing credible sources. Learn from those sources and gain new knowledge. Let this experience start to shape a focus and thesis, and then, let that focus and thesis continue to guide your research and what you’re finding and learning.
All of this will lead you to writing a research paper on the topic where you create a thesis and developed focus to support this thesis. Remember, this is a research paper. You do want to support your ideas with source material, but the majority of the paper should be your own writing based on what you’ve learned from the source material.
When including direct quotes and paraphrases, include in-text citations next to the quotes and paraphrases in the body of the paper and full publication material on the reference page.
A lot of time a research paper becomes more persuasive in nature, but use all of the skills and techniques on this paper that you’ve been learning and practicing all semester.
Remember, take everything you’re learning and critically thinking about in terms of the topic and research, and draw a conclusion on it. The conclusion that you draw on the material will lead you to the thesis and focus of the paper.
Also, remember, what overall point do you want to make in this paper based on your topic and research. Let that guide your research, thesis, development, and writing.
Feel free to show me work or a rough draft before the final draft of the paper is due for a grade.
The paper should be 5 pages.
APA Style.
This paper becomes one last challenge for you in the class.
The Final Research Paper is Due in Canvas by 11:59 PM on Sunday, April 9 (end of Week 14). No Late Papers when it comes to this final research paper.
Remember, when you submit your paper, you’re also submitting your paper to Turnitin (20% or less is the standard. You’re looking for 20% or less in Turnitin once the paper is submitted and processed.). Please don’t wait until the last minute to submit your final draft in case the percentage is too high and you need to revise the paper and resubmit it. I do not grade the paper if the percentage is too high or it’s not in Turnitin. No emailed submissions. Please make sure the paper has processed, and check your percentage before you exit out of the system and walk away.
This means that 80% of your paper should be your original ideas and only 20% of the paper should be borrowed from other sources. Keep this in mind when creating your paper. Even with a research paper in a class like this, most of it should be writing in your own ideas based on what you’ve learned from the research, and a minimal amount should be used to support your ideas (20% worth). Give yourself enough time to check your paper in Turnitin if you’re not use to using this system to make sure you meet the standard and requirement. You’re able to edit and re submit the paper up to the due date and time if the percentage is too high.
Hint: Turnitin is always going to pull direct quotes, but it usually does not pull paraphrases as they should be your original writing on a borrowed idea from the source. You can use many more paraphrases to support your ideas without Turnitin adding to your Turnitin percentage. I recommend using more paraphrases (along with in-text citations) to support your ideas compared to direct quotes.
Also remember, Turnitin may recognize your full publication material on the reference page, and that may add to your Turnitin percentage. This is natural, so factor that into your writing and 20%.