For your initial post, share with the class how technology affects your communication in four contexts. Use the following four categories as your four headings for this post:
- Academic (school setting)
- Professional (work setting)
- Civic (community setting)
- Personal (private setting)
Examine how your engagement with technology changes from context to context. Answer the following questions under each of the four above headings. Write your answers in paragraph format.
- How often do you use technology in this setting?
- What are the rules of practice for this setting?
- Is technology distracting in this setting?
- Do you prefer old media” like phone, written letter, or even face-to-face communication in this setting?
Finally, conclude your post by examining the readings this week. How has the lesson or reading this week challenged you to change your technology practices?
the following link below for the format you should use for the initial post:
(Paragraph addressing use, rules, distractions, and preference when relating technology and communication)
(Paragraph addressing use, rules, distractions, and preference when relating technology and communication)
(Paragraph addressing use, rules, distractions, and preference when relating technology and communication)
(Paragraph addressing use, rules, distractions, and preference when relating technology and communication)
(In APA format)
Reply to Bernice
Before 2015, when I was still in elementary school in junior high, I would rarely use technology. My class and I would go once a week to a computer lab for studies and educational games. When I got my first tablet at school technology it was quite exciting and soon became more and more significant in my educational studies. I can say now that I use technology so often that I would probably be behind in my schooling without it especially since it is the main source for turning in assignments nowadays, conducting research for projects, for reading, and for referencing. Nowadays, technology is used in places like universities as needed and is more than often, its rules of practice is recommended for educational purposes like for using canvas. It is definitely distracting since there are various forms of technology and a lot to explore on each device at hand. In this setting, I don’t miss much since the aspect of researching is very convenient. But one main thing I do despise though are zoom calls in place of certain in-person class that would be best to experience hands on. Also due to the fact it is easier to make connections with others and make new friends than compared to online, since friend interactions are important takes on “increasing levels of importance the older we get” (McLean, 2018)
My first job was a Store Associate RX, meaning I worked for both a Pharmacy and their front store as a cashier. I was already introduced right away to training modules online and using devices to scan in products and prescriptions. I would say both pharmacy and front store, we used technology daily and it is definitely required to reach the suggested quota of the day and to get things done efficiently and effectively. The rules of practice included getting the proper training done before actually utilizing the device’s technology to full extent. Passwords and ID’s are set in place, and must be put away or unplugged at the closing shift. Technology is definitely distracting as there are indeed dead periods in the pharmacy and front store so phones were the biggest distraction in terms of music and scrolling through the media. I cannot say I miss the old media since I never really experienced them beforehand with this being my first job. In addition, communication is quite important in the workplace and technology has helped me communicate to my boss and co-workers when I need coverage for a shift.
In a community setting there are various ways technology has proven to be helpful in this aspect. Examples can include things like advertising for a community project, or volunteering. There are no specific rules in my experience but technology was usually used to make advertisements known online to spread the word, keep note of volunteers or sales or to take pictures or mark important milestones to keep track of. I don’t necessarily think it is distracting since the benefits of technology have aided a lot in the community and help spread awareness more than ever before. With that being said I cannot say I miss the old media since there is so much to learn from technology to help the community.
As advanced and improved technology is today, I can for sure say I am a victim who uses it everyday. Whether it be my computer, cell phone, Nintendo switch etc., it has incorporated itself into my life ever since I was in kindergarten using the computer to memorize things online. As this is my personal life I don’t have rules in this setting but I do my best to refrain from scrolling on my phone often or playing games too much especially when school or work hectic. It is for sure distracting since it is an easy way to pass time and get lost in the black-hole of the internet. I do miss a little bit of the old media just from nostalgia but the technology today is just so much more convenient, and beneficial in various ways. I am able to call relatives, friends and loved-ones more now than ever and I am truly grateful since my relationships have grown stronger.
Being communicative by using technology has helped me have various relationships, friendships and memories. Overall the relationships I’ve made have improved my interactions with interactions all at home, work and at school. Even as McLean (2018) mentions that online communication has both pros and cons since sometimes more information than needed is discussed to people on the internet. As I mentioned above there are many things I am appreciative of technology bit in every topic I agreed to some extent that technology is distracting. As author Prxepiorka (2021) states, technology such as mobile phones, “have become an indispensable tool in different areas of life, however this often results in some negative effects, especially among their youngest users.” meaning that despite it being a positive tool in my life, many experience these common technologies like cell phones, media, television much differently than others, either for better or for worse, depending on how often they use it in their life.
McLean Scott, (2018). Exploring interpersonal communication (2nd ed.) Boston, MA: Flatworld
Przepiorka, A., BΕachnio, A., Cudo, A., & Kot, P. (2021). Social anxiety and social skills via problematic smartphone use for predicting somatic symptoms and academic performance at primary school. Computers & Education, 173, 104286.