Plan for learning environments that meet all students’ cultural, social, and emotional learning needs by incorporating knowledge of individual learners, diverse cultures, and communities.

In this task and others in this program, you will use Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle (Gibbs, 1988) 

as a framework to respond to observations and experiences. Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle 

encourages you to think systematically about the phases of an experience or activity, first describing the experience, then addressing how it made you feel, next evaluating and 

analyzing it, then drawing a conclusion, and finally considering how this experience will 

apply to your future practice.

For this task you will select three videos that allow you to observe learning environments 

where efforts are being made to meet cultural, social, and emotional learning needs of 

students. In each video, you will observe teachers in their classrooms and will then 

evaluate their efforts to incorporate the diverse cultures and communities of individual 

learners into the learning environment.


Please note: To assist you in this task, we strongly recommend you start by reviewing 

the SOE Professional Dispositions and Ethics linked in the Web Links section below. You  might consider reviewing Module 13 prior to starting this task.

A.   Identify three videos from the attached “Task 1 Video List” found in the “Supporting Documents” section. 


Note: When selecting three videos to observe, it may be helpful to read the description available on the web page for each video. You will want to choose videos that will give you enough relevant material to respond to parts B1–B5.


B.   Reflect on your video observations by doing the following:

1.   Discuss specific examples of how the teachers in the videos effectively incorporated the needs of individual learners within their learning environments, including at least one example of each of the following from any of the three videos:

 •    cultural needs

 •    social needs

 •    emotional needs


2.   Discuss ways that the teachers could have more effectively incorporated 

individual learners’ cultural, social, or emotional needs in the learning environments.

3.   Discuss two culturally sustaining pedagogy strategies you learned from 

observing the videos that you could incorporate into your future practice as a 


 a.  Explain how you can apply the two strategies from B3 in your future 


4.   Explain how you could involve your students’ caregivers in the execution of the 

strategies from part B3, including specific examples.

5.   Explain how you could involve the community in the execution of the strategies 

from part B3, including specific examples.


C.   Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is 

quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.


D.   Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your 


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