Please read the Management Case Study required document first that is located below, then write your analysis on Leadership Challenges at Hewlett-Packard – Through the Looking Glass.

Please read the Management Case Study required document first located below, then write your analysis on Leadership Challenges at Hewlett-Packard – Through the Looking Glass.



Required Documents


Grading Criteria…

  • Title Page [Required, -deducted points if missing]

  • Abstract/Executive Summary – Must begin and end on a page of its own and be 1-full page in length [10pts]
  • Introduction
    • Statement of Identified Problem [5pts]
    • SWOT Analysis [10pts]
  • Critical Analysis aka The Four Principles of Management – Planning, Organizing, Leading, and Controlling [15pts]

  • Action Plan/Conclusion [10pts]

  • Reference Page in APA Format – Must begin and end on a page of its own [Required, -deducted points if missing]


Formatting Notes…:

  • Each Sub-section (i.e., Title Page, Abstract, Introduction, Critical Analysis, Action Plan, Reference Page) should be labeled
  • Double-Spacing with 1″ left and right Margins (Do not use excessive spacing between paragraphs)
  • Indent the beginning of each paragraph and DO NOT center your paragraphs (use either left alignment or justification alignment)
  • Any submission that cannot be opened will receive a grade of 1/50 until re-submitted with a file that can be opened and graded
  • Uniscore should be less than 20% and will NOT be graded if 50% or higher
P.S.- Please make the Abstract longer than last time.


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