Please submit a word document on your thoughts about where you think the accounting function is going to be in the management hierarchy of a company in the future.


Please submit a word document on your thoughts about where you think the accounting function is going to be in the management hierarchy of a company in the future.

Are Accounting Information Systems just another information system that should be organized within the IT department? In that case, should the accounting department report to the IT department?

Or are all company databases related to the accounting function in a company and, since the financial side of a company’s business is so important, should the IT department report to the CFO?

Give reasons on each side of the argument and give your personal opinion.

Note: While your research should involve cited quotations from referenced sources, your instructor is looking for your critical thoughts, not somebody elseโ€™s ideas. It is unlikely that a written submission of less than 400 words (before quotes) will demonstrate that sufficient attention has been paid to the question. On grading the assignment, format, grammar, and spelling will be taken into account. (The purpose of accounting is communicating information. Formatting, grammar, and spelling are all part of good communicating.)

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