Pre-Writing Scaffold Student Name School of Education, Liberty University Author Note Student Name I have no known conflict of interest to disclose. Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Student Name

 Collect a total of six journal articles (three for the philosopher you selected and three for your

chosen historical topic) from peer-reviewed academic, professional journals. The journal articlesyou select are to be on the philosopher and historical topic as outlined in your Topic Proposal
Assignment. All six journal articles are to be new to you for this course, meaning that you have

not used them in any previous course.
When selecting your journal articles, search the Jerry Falwell Library Education Databases of
journals on the topic of education. A link to the databases has been provided with this
assignment. You may want to begin with Academic Search Ultimate or Education Research
Complete. Ensure that the articles are from professional, academic journals. Avoid searching for
articles using generic search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo!, etc.
In the Philosopher and Historical Topic sections of the provided Pre-Writing Scaffold
Template, annotate each of the three journal articles you have selected in a paragraph or two of
at least 250 words. The annotation is to include a brief summary of key ideas in the journal
article and a sentence or two of critical analysis. Though this analysis portion of each article may
be brief, it is to be more than just a simple personal opinion; it is to apply other sources as a lens
for the critical analysis. For instance, every analysis should cite at least one other source, which
may be the course textbooks, video presentations, and/or biblical worldview principles. Cite any
sources used as support for your critical analysis accordingly. Do not copy the abstract of the
articles and use them as the annotations for your articles as this would be considered plagiarism.
Additionally, do not rearrange the sentence structures of the articles’ abstracts and replace words
with synonyms; the originality checker in Canvas detects such acts of plagiarism.
After annotating the articles, and for each of the Philosopher and Historical Topic sections, write
a 150-word paragraph synthesizing the information. Do not regard this section as an abstract or
comprehensive summary, but rather as a space to critically analyze and draw conclusions on the
ideas and concepts presented in the articles you have selected.
Finally, for both the Philosopher and Historical Topic sections and where prompted in the Pre-
Writing Scaffold Template, write a preliminary thesis statement. Each preliminary thesis
statement is to be 1-2 sentences. “Preliminary” means that you may revise and hone the
statements as you prepare for the upcoming assignments. Although it is a draft, it should be
written well. Watch the 4-minute video on How to Write a Strong Thesis Statement provided

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with this assignment. Your thesis statements should be concise, disputable, and coherent and
should not simply be facts that readers universally hold as true.
On the references page of the Pre-Writing Scaffold Template, list sources other than the
articles themselves that were used for this assignment. This reference list will include additional
sources you applied in your analysis of the articles and may include the textbook, course videos,
and any other academic sources. To cite videos, review the provided link to How to Cite Online
Videos in APA (though the information in this video focuses on YouTube videos, the format
will help you). There is no need to repeat the references for the articles since they are already
listed in current APA format in the annotations sections. Because at least one supplementary
resource is required in the analysis of each article, a total of at least six additional resources
should be referenced on the references page.
The total length of this assignment is to be a minimum of 1,800 words not including the title
page and the references themselves.
Please use APA 7 Professional Format not Student

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