Presentation needed

Learning Goal: I’m working on a powerpoint presentation and need guidance to help me learn.

It’s economic presentation. It’s a power point and I’m looking for 15 slide at least. Airport economic impact and already I have been assigned to do it for Tallahassee international airport. You will search in google for the economic impact of Tallahassee international airport and you find many and it supposed to be for 2021 and above. You will gather the information of the airport economic impact. I will send you an example of the airport economic impact. You will find a lot researches like this just search Tallahassee international airport economic impact and then gather the information and details such as growth, asset, jobs, etc. And it will be needed to use the photos and the tables just but the references For example start with fast facts about Tallahassee international airport and then share the economic impacts among the rest of the slides and conclusion. +for example terminals income and airlines home based in Tallahassee international airport.

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