Presentations should include: Cover page with full names of participants, Table of Contents, References among other.

The students should prepare a sustainable (both environmentally and economically!) and realistic non-profit project that contributes to a small rural community and incorporates aspects of natural disaster and/or climate change preparedness. Still there are many rural areas in our planet that are lacking proper infrastructure, electricity facilities, water/gas/internet supply, schools, hospitals, etc.
The students are expected to develop in-depth project management plan. When developing this project, the students will need to identify (1) where the funding will come from and (2) how they will convince this organization or individual to fund their project.

  • In order to make this project as realistic as possible, students will need to take into account various socioeconomic factors such as per capita income, logistics, regulations, etc. The use of real names/people/places, ect. is obligatory. The use of visuals is obligatory.
  • Keep in mind, that projects should focus on rebuilding and/or rejuvenating the selected communities.
  • In proposals the students have to use all material discussed in class to assess the future role of professional Project Manager.
  • Students must show engagement with the topics learned in class, in particular: explain the viability of your project proposal, formulate the scope, prepare
    matrix responsibilities, create tasks, make estimations of time duration, make resources and budget proposals, identify sensitive activities/risks, prepare
    risk assessment scenarios, prepare your project on Gantt chart.
  • Students may quote relevant publications, such as academic journals and books, to support your arguments of conclusions.

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