Click on this link to take you to the primary document to be analyzed: (This is the source required)
Your analysis must be in essay form with a clear argument. It must answer the following questions:
- Is it a letter, speech, newspaper, etc?
- Describe it as if you were explaining to someone who can’t see it. Is it handwritten or typed? Is it all by the same person? Are there stamps or other marks? What else do you see?
- Who wrote it?
- Who read / received it?
- When is it from?
- Where is it from?
- Is the author of the source arguing a particular point? What is the point? What is their evidence?
- Do you agree with the author? Why or why not? Argue your position using facts from the source.
- Quote evidence from the document. Use at least one direct quote.
- What was happening at the time in history this document was created? Use secondary information from your Modules, as well as the textbook to discuss the context (what was happening at the time).
- What did you find out from this document that you might not learn anywhere else?
Be sure that you submit your work as text and not as another type of file attachment. All writing must go through an anti-plagiarism software.
The attached file (Document_8_1 (1).pdf) below is an example