Problem of Practice (POP): How to effectively incorporate grouping strategies in a mathematics classroom?

Problem of Practice (POP): How to effectively incorporate grouping strategies in a mathematics classroom?


Five articles will need to be found based on the requirements listed below. Then, looking at each of the five articles, brief notes will need to be taken, based on the below mentioned categories. 


The requirements for choosing the five articles:

1)    Peer-Reviewed (Not Grey Literature*): Must have been peer-reviewed and published in an academic journal. Go to the journal’s website and find where the journal says it is “refereed” or “peer-reviewed”. It is often listed in either the “scope”, “aims”, or “about” section. This information is NOT on the article itself.

2)    Current: Must have been published within the past ten years. 

3)    Empirical Research Report: Must be empirical meaning that data were collected and analyzed. Literature reviews, essays, commentaries, and opinion pieces are NOT empirical. Pro-Tip: Scroll to the Methods section of the article to see what types of data were collected and analyzed. If there is no section like this, then it probably is not empirical. 

4)    Must include: 1 fully qualitative article (not mixed methods), 1 fully quantitative article (not mixed methods), and the other 3 articles can be any combination of qual, quant, mixed methods, meta-analysis, practitioner/action research (IF data were collected).

5)    Your Own Wording: All content (with the exception of the Peer Reviewed language from the journal websites) must be written in your own words. * Do not copy and paste sections from the article. These are brief notes that will later be used to write a research paper.





Here are the components needed from each of the 5 articles:


Citation in APA Format – List the Citation in APA 7th Ed.


Peer Reviewed – Copy and paste the full sentence directly from the journal’s website that says it is “refereed” or “peer-reviewed”.


Research Type – Determine the type of Article (i.e. Qualitative, Quantitative, Mixed Methods, or Meta-Analysis). Also, give a brief rationale for how you know the article’s type.


Context – Where does the study take place? Give site, location, or another relevant context.


Participants or Data Source – Who were the participants? How many participants were there?


Methodology/Research Design – What type of methodology or research design was used?


Data Collection – What type of data were collected and how?


Data Analysis – What type of analysis was used?


Major Findings – Briefly summarize the major findings using #’s or bullet points.


Conflicting/Divergent/Outlier – Is this article in contrast to–or different to–what you have read so far on your POP’s topic?


Key Themes – Give 3 key themes that represent the content and connect to your POP.

Educational Implications – What does the research advise educators do?


POP Relevance – How does this apply to the POP?


Personal Relevance – What can you apply to a mathematics classroom?

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